Paris — Here’s a look at work planned in the district during the week of July 29, 2019. These schedules are subject to change due to weather conditions, equipment failure or other unforeseen issues. Motorists are advised to remain alert and pay special attention to all signs, barricades and traffic controls, and reduce their speed as they approach and travel through work zones. They should also avoid distractions such as cell phones, eating, drinking, or car audio or navigation systems.
Sherman Area (Fannin, Grayson Counties)
Contacts: Sherman Area Office (903) 892-6529; Grayson Co. Maintenance (903) 893-8831; Fannin Co. Maintenance (903) 583-7566.
Paris District Wide Seal Coat. Crews will be placing a seal coat on the following roads in Grayson County this week: SH 56 from US 82 to SH 289; Spur 316 from FM 120 to SH 289; and SH 289 from FM 120 to end of State Maintenance. Expect day-time lane closures on these roadways while crews are working.
US 82, Grayson County: from FM 901 in Sadler to FM 1417 in Sherman. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews work to mill and then pave the eastbound and westbound lanes with a new hot mix asphalt surface.
FM 691, Grayson County: from FM 131/Loy Lake Rd. to US 75. Watch for temporary one-lane closures as workers continue widening FM 691 to an ultimate five-lane roadway. The intersection of FM 691 with FM 131/Loy Lake Road has been converted to a four-way stop intersection and will become a signalized intersection at the conclusion of the construction project.
US 377, Grayson County: Willis Bridge at the Oklahoma State line. Watch for occasional one lane closures on the existing bridge as workers pour concrete for the new bridge structure.
US 75 Ramp Reversal in Denison, Grayson County: on the southbound US 75 main lanes and frontage road between FM 120 and Crawford Street. Watch for shoulder closures and lane shifts as workers work on constructing the retaining walls and new exit ramp for this project. The southbound US 75 exit ramp for Crawford Street is closed and traffic wishing to use this exit should use the FM 120 (Morton Street) exit.
US 75 Ramp Reversal in Denison, Grayson County: on the southbound US 75 main lanes and frontage road between Spur 503 and FM 691. Watch for daytime lane closures on the southbound US 75 mainlanes and frontage roads while crews place portable traffic barrier and begin work on building temporary ramps.
US 75 Ramp Reversal in Sherman, Grayson County: on the northbound US 75 main lanes and frontage road between Choctaw Creek and FM 1417. Watch for shoulder closures and lane shifts on the main lanes and a left lane closure on the frontage road as workers work on constructing the new entrance ramp.
US 75 Slope Repair at Randell Lake Road, on the southbound US 75 frontage road between SH 91 and Randell Lake Road, Grayson County: on the southbound US 75 frontage road between SH 91 and Randell Lake Road. The southbound frontage road and Randell Lake exit ramp are closed due to a slope failure. Crews are working to lime treat the soils and place underdrains.
US 75 Full Depth concrete repair, Grayson County: crews will be working on US 75, weather permitting, each week from Sunday night thru Thursday night. Lane closures will be present during the nighttime only in order for crews to replace failed concrete locations. Lane closures begin at 7:30 p.m. and should be reopened to traffic by 6 a.m.
US 75 debris pickup, Grayson County: from Collin County line to Oklahoma State line. Watch for mobile operations as workers pick up debris from the roadway every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday during the day-time.
US 82 & US 69, Grayson County: from FM 131 to FM 1897 on US 82, and from SH 56 to US 75 on US 69. Watch for temporary day time lane closures and shoulder closures as workers install safety treatments on fixed objects.
SH 289, Grayson County: from FM 120 to end of State Maintenance. Watch for temporary day-time lane closures as maintenance crews work on prepping the roadway for a seal coat.
US 82, Grayson County: from Bethany Road to the Fannin County line. Watch for day-time lane closures as maintenance crews work on prepping the roadway for a seal coat.
SH 11, Grayson and Fannin County: from US 69 to SH 121. Watch for traffic shifts and occasional one-lane closures as workers rehab and widen the roadway.
FM 1753, Grayson and Fannin County: from FM 1897 to SH 78. Watch for temporary one-lane closures as workers rehab and widen the roadway. FM 1753 is closed to thru traffic between FM 274 and SH 78 in order to replace two culverts near Woodman Cemetery. FM 898 will be used as the detour during this time.
US 82, Fannin County: from SH 121 to the Lamar County Line. Watch for slow moving construction equipment as crews work on widening US 82 from a two lane roadway to a four lane divided section. Watch for lane closures on SH 78 and SH 121 as crews work to construct the new westbound US 82 bridge overpasses.
FM 1752, Fannin County: from US 82 to FM 898. Watch for temporary one-lane closures as workers rehab and widen the roadway.
FM 816 & Recreation Road 3, Fannin County: from Fannin-Hunt County line to SH 78 on FM 816, and from FM 273 eastward for two miles on Rec. Road 3 south of Lake Bonham. Watch for temporary lane closures as workers install safety treatments on fixed objects.
FM 2990, Fannin County: from FM 1550 to SH 34. Watch for day-time lane closures as maintenance crews work on prepping the roadway for a seal coat this summer.
FM 815, Fannin County: from SH 78 to FM 814. Watch for day-time closures as maintenance crews work on placing a seal coat on the roadway.
FM 1553, Fannin County: from SH 78 in Leonard to SH 78 in Bailey. Watch for day-time closures as maintenance crews work on placing a seal coat on the roadway.
Sulphur Springs Area (Hopkins, Franklin Counties):
Contacts: Sulphur Springs Area Office (903) 885-9514; Franklin Co. Maintenance (903) 537-4976; Hopkins Co. Maintenance (903) 885-4031.
SH 19, Hopkins County: At FM 71 in Birthright. Watch for lane closures and short traffic delays as crews perform shoulder work for a turn lane construction project.
SH 154, Hopkins County: From SH 11 to IH 30. Watch for lane closures and short traffic delays as crews perform surfacing operations at night between 7 PM and 6 AM; flaggers will direct traffic.
SH 11, Hopkins County: From SH 19 to White Oak Creek. Watch for lane closures and short traffic delays as crews begin performing dirt work activities; flaggers will direct traffic.
Paris Area (Delta, Lamar, Red River Counties)
Contacts: Paris Area Office (903) 784-1357; Delta Co. Maintenance (903) 395-2139; Lamar Co. Maintenance (903) 785-4468; Red River Co. Maintenance (903) 427-3561.
US 271 (Loop 286), Lamar County: south of BU82H. Watch for lane closures north and southbound while crews remove existing crossover and extend the left turn lane at Dawn Dr. crossover.
BU 271B (Clarksville Street) at Collegiate Drive; US 82H (Lamar Street) at 20th Street; US 82 at FM 38, Lamar County: Watch for work zones as signal and flashing beacon work is performed.
US 271 pavement repair, Lamar and Red River Counties: from Loop 286 in Paris southeastward to SH 37. Watch for work zones and drive safely through construction areas as final work is being performed.
FM 197, Lamar County: Watch for work zones and drive safely through construction areas as final work is being performed.
US 271 safety upgrades, Red River County: from FM 410 to the Red River-Titus County line. Watch for temporary lane and shoulder closures as final work is being performed.
SH 37 safety upgrades, Red River County: from the Texas-Oklahoma state line south to the Red River-Franklin County line. Watch for work zones as workers upgrade metal-beam guard fence, replace or extend new structures and install safety end treatments.
FM 2648 widening, Lamar County: Watch for work zones and drive safely through construction areas as final work is being performed.
SH 24 expansion, Delta County: from Cooper, Texas, southwestward towards Commerce. Watch for work zones and drive safely through construction areas as final work is being performed.
Greenville Area (Hunt, Rains Counties)
Contacts: Greenville Area Office (903) 455-2363; Hunt Co. Maintenance (903)455-2303; Rains Co. Maintenance (903) 473-2682.
FM 2642 bridge/underpass project at I-30, Hunt County: from FM 1565 westward to the Hunt-Rockwall County line. FM 2642 through pass underneath I-30 is now open. Be cautious in this area and watch the signs. Please be aware of posted speed limits while traveling through this construction area, and prepare for some delays while the final striping on frontage roads is completed. Traffic signals have been installed and are on their testing phase and will change to full operation in the coming weeks.
SH 19 pavement project, Rains County: from US 69 and SH 19 south to the Van Zandt County line. Contractor has completed work on this project.
SH 34 and FM 816, Hunt County: from SH 276 south to the Hunt-Kaufman County line on SH 34, and from SH 34 to the Hunt-Fannin County line on FM 816. Workers are doing finishing work and establishing positive flow on ditches. Please be careful when traveling these roads.
FM1903 and IH30 frontage road, Hunt County: A project installing curb and gutters is complete.
SH 66, Hunt County: from near FM 6 to near FM 2642. A project consisting of widening pavement, installing continuous left turn lanes, and safety treating fixed objects is underway. Please be aware of lane closures and workers in this area.
Traffic Safety Notes:
Maintenance crews are working on sealcoat operations on the following roads: FM 1565 from IH30 to SH 276; FM 275 from Hopkins County Line to FM514. Please be cautious when traveling near our crews and obey the signs and flaggers.