Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Simply Sulphur Springs App Give- Away

Have you heard about the give- aways on the Simply Sulphur Springs app?

The Simply Sulphur Springs app is your one stop for all things Sulphur Springs. You can find listings such as “where to eat” and information about local professionals in your area. You can even pay your city water bill or report road issues and water leaks on the app.

By becoming an app user you will also have access to exclusive deals and give- aways only available through the app. Today on the Simply Sulphur Springs app KSST is hosting an app scavenger hunt. Lucky winners will receive FREE tickets to the Crayola Experience in Plano, TX (

There are many unique deals coming your way on the Simply Sulphur Springs app. You can receive 2 for $5 floats at The Sweet Grind, discounts at the Whimsy Boutique grand opening, 10% off at The Magic Scoop, free Rangers tickets and so much more. Search “Simply Sulphur Springs” in your app store today, so you won’t miss out on our special offers.

Author: Faith Wheeler

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