Sulphur Springs Independent School District Board of Trustees Monday evening approved 14 personnel changes. Overall, the seven resignations and seven new hires will impact five campuses.
At Barbara Bush Primary, Mary Surber resigned as a transitional first grade teacher while Jessica Takacs was approved to join the faculty as a new special education teachers.
Bowie Primary physical education Melissa Aaron’s resignation was accepted Monday.
Resigning from Sulphur Springs Middle School were PE teacher and girls coach Brittany Maness and assistant band director Rothman Tafel. Approved as the new special education teacher and girls coach was Savannah Himes, as assistant band director was Elliott Ayo. Also joining the SSMS staff will be Ashanti Ivery as a special education aide.
High school is losing Justin Maness as aspecial education teacher and volleyball coach, Jeana Penny as the campus ARD/504 coordinator and Derek Tyson as a math teacher and coach. Approved to join the SSHS staff was Brandon Shurtleff as an innovative technology specialist and teacher and Brianna Williams as a health science technology education teacher.
Approved to join the staff at Sulphur Springs Elementary was Jennifer Grubbs as an inclusion aide.