Sulphur Springs Independent School District trustees during a special meeting Monday morning adopted a pay increase for teachers, which would increase the starting teacher’s pay by $5,000, an approximate 12 percent compensation increase over last year’s pay scale.
“SSISD’s main goal is to educate kids to their fullest potential and this raise directly impacts the success of our students. Our employees are very important to our district, they are the heart and soul of what we are about. The passage of House Bill 3 by the Texas Legislature, combined with our local efforts to compensate staff, have made this significant raise possible. We’re thankful to our local legislators for supporting school finance reform,” said SSISD Assistant Superintendent Rusty Harden in a press release announcing the new pay scale.
The raise marks at least the second consecutive year SSISD trustees have increased the teacher pay scale.
Last summer, both teacher and teacher’s aide pay scales increased. Teachers’ starting salary was raised in June 2018 to $40,000 in SSISD, with pay increases beginning after the first year instead of the third year, and increasing by $100 per year for the first five years, and $200 per year for the next two years. Teachers beginning at year nine during the 2018-19 school year saw an increase of $500 each year for three years. The increase rose to $800 per year from year 12 through year 18. Salaries at year 30 were then increased to $54,950 in the 2018-19 school year.
During a special 8 a.m. meeting Monday morning, school trustees again approved a pay increase, this time for teachers, nurses, counselors and librarians for the new school year, which begins in August.
The starting pay this year for teacher was raised to $45,000. Teachers’ pay would then increase by 100 for the next five years. Starting in year 9, the rate would increase by $200 for three years, then increase by $500 in year 9 to $46,600 and continuing annually for three years. Then, in year 12, the rate would increase by $800 to $48,400, and continue to increase by $800 through year 18. The amount of annual increase would then drop off starting in year 19, but would still include an annual step up in pay through $60,000 for teachers in year 30. Those with a master’s degree or doctorate would receive additional compensation for attaining the certification.
Teachers’ aides in June 2018 were also given a pay increase.
“The board is also currently looking at other staff raises for the upcoming school year. Recommendation for other staff raises will be considered with the approval of the budget in August,” Harden stated.