The Lone Star Heritage Quilt Guild meets monthly on the 4th Monday to share and discuss ongoing projects of the club, and of individual members. The August 26, 2019 meeting dealt largely with final plans for the annual Quilt Show to be held in Sulphur Springs at The Roc on Friday September 20 and Saturday September 21, 2019. About 40 members were present. This will be the 20th annual show sponsored by the non-profit charitable organization. Final plans were discussed and duties of the members were assigned during the meeting. The fundraiser ‘raffle quilt’ was shown, and it was reported that already, more than 700 tickets have been sold at $1 each, available from guild members and at the door of the Show. The Show will be held from 9am til 5pm on September 20 and from 9am til 3pm on September 21. Cost to enter the Show is $5 person per day, with children age 12 and under admitted free.
Wilma Moss stated that over 140 quilts will be hung, with more displayed on the upper railing of The Roc. The quilts will already have been judged and tagged before the public is admitted on Friday. Brenda Jeschke, an award-winning quilter, instructor and judge plans programs and demonstrations onstage during the Show. Quilting vendors, food sales, door prizes and children’s activities will also be part of the 2-day Show.
This table reflects the charitable origins of the Quilt Guild. Individual members still produce quilted “comfort” items for the benefit of persons who are in local hospitals as well as the Child Advocacy Center. In the lower part of the photo, pieced tops have been created by members. The finished products are shown in the upper part of the photo, after having been quilted by those with quilting machines. This work is done and donation of the comfort quilts is made monthly to a variety of facilities, due to the generous work of Quilt Guild members. Not shown are “Veterans Quilts” which are often patriotic in nature, and donated to VA facilities.