Workers with Area Wide Paving continue the paving project at CHRISTUS – Sulphur Springs. CHRISTUS is resurfacing most of the front public parking areas, and has been doing so for a couple of weeks. Workers are keeping as much parking open as possible as they work in stages to resurface over 130,000 sq ft of parking areas. The quick turnaround involves crews scaping and cleaning the old surface, repairing any damage of the substructure, and then overlaying new asphalt. The parking areas are then being remarked with striping by another local company, Affordable Precision Striping. Paul Harvey, CEO of CHRISTUS – SS, said the hospital is continual working on the facilty, inside and out, to improve safety and ease of access to their services. Mr. Harvey also praised the staff of the Facilites Maintenance Department, and Facility Manager, Robert Stout. Stout and his team take care of all of the buildings and oversee outside contractors as well. Stout told KSST news that he was particular exicted to oversee this project as it was going to enhance the campus for employees as well as patients and their visitors.
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