September 9, 2019 – The Hopkins County Grand Jury signed at least 51 indictments during the Sept. 5 court session. At least 30 people were named in the charges, including 10 people accused of more than one offense.
Charges ranged from criminal negligence, sexual assault of a child, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, assault of a public servant and attempting to take a weapon from an officer to fraud, forgery, money laundering, burglary, theft, bail jumping and unauthorized use of a vehicle. More than 20 of the charges were for alleged controlled substance and drunk driving offenses.

Jennifer Doolan Petty was indicted on an assault of a public servant charge.
She was reportedly stopped July 16 by Cumby police for suspicion of drunk driving. A trooper was contacted to conduct a DWI interview. She was reportedly taken into custody and “refused to provide a voluntary specimen” for testing, so a search warrant was obtained for a blood draw. Upon arrival at the hospital lab, Petty allegedly resisted the search and had to be restrained, kicking the trooper in the leg in the process. The blood sample was reportedly taken for analysis and the woman was taken to jail.
Petty was booked on three charges, including, assault of a public servant. She was released from the county jail July 17; bond on the assault charge was set at $20,000, according to jail reports.

Indicted for injury to a child, elderly or disabled person and assault of a family or household member that impeded breathing was Juan Ines Peralta.
The 27-year-old Sulphur Springs man was accused in arrest reports of grabbing his wife around the throat, making it hard for her to breath, during a July 9 disturbance. When she attempted to leave, he allegedly chased her outside to the street, grabbed her, dragged her back onto the property and into the garage, dropping her and shutting the door.
The woman had red marks on her neck, where Peralta was alleged to have squeezed it, as well as marks on her foot, allegedly from being dragged, police alleged in arrest reports.
The wife was reportedly holding their young child in her arms, trying to prevent her from being hurt. The little girl had a mark on her leg, also resulting from the disturbance, police alleged in reports immediately following Peralta’s arrest on July 9.
Peralta was released from jail on July 10 on $25,000 bond on the assault charge and $10,000 bond on the injury to a child charge, according to jail reports.
Brittany Rennea White, 26, and Misha Michelle Price, 25, of Oklahoma City were both indicted for unauthorized use of a motor vehicle and theft of a firearm. White also was indicted for unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon.
The women were arrested at a Cumby rest stop July 23 in a car that a Hunt County patrol officer discovered, using a license plate check, had been reported to Oklahoma City authorities as stolen, as had a firearm found in the ca. White garnered the second firearm charge due to a prior felony conviction, sheriff’s investigators reported following the pair’s arrest.
Both women remained in Hopkins County jail Sunday, Sept. 8. Bond was set at $5,000 on the unauthorized use of vehicle charge and $5,000 on the theft of firearm charge. White’s bond on the unlawful possession of firearm by a felon charge was set at $10,000, according to jail reports.

Indicted for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon was Justin Arley Bryant.
The 20-year-old Sulphur Springs man was accused June 27 of pointing a gun at a 19-year-old Sulphur Springs woman and telling her she couldn’t leave, when she tried to end their relationship, police noted in arrest reports. While shouting at the woman, Bryant allegedly pointed the weapon out an open window and discharged the firearm, police reports noted.
Bryant was released from jail on July 3 on $200,000 bond on the charge, but was taken into custody again on Aug. 29, on an insufficient bond charge, according to arrest reports. He remained in the county jail Sunday, Sept. 8; his new bond was set at $1 million, according to jail reports.

Janie Louise Broglin was indicted for unauthorized use of a vehicle.
The 21-year-old Fort Worth woman was reportedly found in a Nissan Altima between the eastbound lanes of Interstate 30 near the 114 mile marker and the south service road. The front of the vehicle was reportedly partially blocking the westbound lane of the service road, officers alleged in arrest reports.
Broglin allegedly claimed to be traveling from Fort Worth and had run out of gas. A records check of the car’s license plate number revealed the car had been reported to Mesquite Police Department as stolen, resulting in Broglin’s arrest, deputies alleged in reports immediately following her arrest on July 18.
The woman remained in the county jail Sunday, Sept. 9; her bond was set at $5,000 on the charge, according to jail report.

Indicted for assault of a family or household member that impeded breathing was Carlos Alberto Valle.
The 24-year-old Sulphur Springs man was accused of choking his girlfriend multiple times and of holding her in a bedroom at his residence against her will during an argument about a doctor’s appointment. The 17-year-old reportedly crawled out a bedroom window to get away from Valle, police alleged in reports immediately following his arrest at shortly before midnight July 25.
The teen had “injuries consistent with strangulation,” and had “defensive contact injuries around her hands and fingers,” police alleged in reports. The young woman, who was reported to be pregnant, was transported to the hospital, according to arrest and offense reports.
Valle reportedly told officers the teen had a mental health disorder and had hit him in the face. He had a small scratch on his face, according to police reports.
He was booked into the county jail early July 26, and released later that day on $25,000 bond on the assault charge, according to jail reports.

Indicted for unauthorized use of a vehicle and possession of 4 ounces or more but less than 200 grams of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance was Travis W. Danker.
The 37-year-old Tennessee man was in a 2015 Nissan Pathfinder stopped by state trooper on Dec. 29, 2018, on Interstate 30 for speeding. A records check reportedly showed the vehicle to have been reported stolen. He and an Illinois man in the car were both taken into custody by troopers. A methamphetamine pipe with a residue in it, two handguns, a large quantity of methamphetamine and assorted drug paraphernalia were allegedly found in the vehicle, according to arrest reports.
Danker remained in the county jail until Jan. 9, 2019; his bond was set at $35,000 on the controlled substance charge and $5,000 on the unauthorized use of a vehicle charge, according to jail reports.

Dillon Curtis Derry was indicted on two charges of abandoning or endangering a child-criminal negligence and for evading arrest or detention with a vehicle.
The 23-year-old Arkansas man was accused on Aug. 3 of lead deputies on a high speed chase from State Highway 154 south in Hopkins County onto county roads into Wood County with an infant and small child in the car, according to arrest reports. He allegedly took sharp turns and corners at high rates of speed before abruptly stopping at a County Road 1730 residence in Yantis, the deputy alleged in arrest reports.
As soon as the car stopped, the driver allegedly jumped out and ran. He jumped a barbed wire fence and ran through a Yantis pasture before being taken into custody. The Arkansas man allegedly told Chaney he ran because he thought he was wanted in Arkansas on felony charges.
Derry remained in Hopkins County jail Sept. 8. His bond was set at $5,000 each on the child endangerment charges and $15,000 on the evading arrest or detention with a vehicle charge, according to jail reports.

Indicted for sexual assault of a child was Jose Alberto Lopez.
The 21-year-old Sulphur Springs man was arrested June 27 by sheriff’s investigators on the sexual assault charge as well as a controlled substance charge and three misdemeanor warrants. Tips were made to National Center for Missing and Exploited Children alleging a Sulphur Springs man was soliciting minors online for photographs and had recorded sex with a 16-year-old reported to be his girlfriend, according to sheriff’s investigators. After an investigation that spanned more than a month, sheriff’s investigators eventually got a phone number on which they reportedly contacted Lopez. Lopez refused to voluntarily report to the sheriff’s office to talk to officers, according to sheriff’s reports.
Sheriff’s investigators reported finding Lopez and a minor inside a Sulphur Springs residence. Lopez allegedly admitted that the minor was his girlfriend, with whom he’d had a sexual relationship for more than a year, but told sheriff’s officers the girl’s parents knew what was going on between them. Lopez also allegedly admitted to having sex with the minor and recording it, and that it would likely be on his phone, a sheriff’s investigator said following Lopez’s arrest. Lopez allegedly confessed to soliciting additional nude images from other minors online, the sheriff said following Lopez’s arrest.
Lopez remained in Hopkins County jail Sunday, Sept. 8. Bond on the sexual assault of a child charge was set at $100,000, according to jail reports.

Alberta Lene Duffey was indicted for theft of property valued at less than $2,500, but with two or more previous convictions.
She was arrested on July 27 at Walmart. Police responded to a disturbance complaint at the store. They were told by store staff Duffey and another woman selected items, concealed them and passed all points of sale without paying for them. Total value of the recovered items was less than $100. However, because of Duffey’s history, the charge was enhanced to a felony offense, police alleged in arrest reports.
Jail reports show Duffey has been jailed locally at least four times since April 2, 2007 on theft charges; she also has been sentenced at least twice to serve 30-day commitments for theft, and was on probation for a theft charge.
Duffey remained in Hopkins County jail from July 27 through Aug. 17 on the felony theft charge; bond was set at $5,000, according to jail reports.

Indicted for possession of 4 gram or more but less than 200 grams of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance and money laundering in the amount of $30,000 or more but less than $150,000 was Isaiah Hanna.
The Wisconsin man was arrested Dec. 1, 2018, following a traffic stop. A Cumby officer, in arrest reports, noted he suspected involvement in criminal activity by the occupants of the auto. A free air sniff by a police canine reportedly resulted in a probable cause search. Cumby police alleged 5.5 grams of suspected cocaine, a firearm, and a large quantity of money were found in the vehicle, according to arrest reports.
Hanna was booked into the county jail Dec. 1, 2018, on three charge including the controlled substance and money laundering offenses. He was released from jail Dec. 3, 2018. Bond was set at $30,000 on the controlled substance charge and $15,000 on the money laundering charge, according to jail reports.

Trent David Floyd Wolfe was indicted on two forgery of financial instrument charges.
The 20-year-old Brashear resident was accused of writing two checks for a total of more than $600 on his former employers’ bank accounts. One account holder alleged Wolfe admitted to taking the checks when confronted about it, according to police reports. Wolfe was allegedly caught on surveillance video at the bank passing the checks, the police detective alleged in reports following Wolfe’s arrest.
He was booked into the county jail Aug. 1 and released the next day on $5,000 bond each on the two forgery charges, according to arrest reports.

Indicted for fraudulent use or possession of identifying information was Maria Cristina Lopez-Castillo.
The 25-year-old Fort Worth woman was arrested July 30 on the charge. She was accused of having forged Social Security and Texas ID cards when the vehicle she was in was stopped by a deputy in Cumby. A forged Social Security card with the woman’s name and a fake number on it was found in the console; and the Texas ID card with her name, date of birth and address on it was found in the driver’s side front pocket. A records check using the number on the ID card showed it belonged to a deceased person, a deputy alleged in arrest reports.
Lopez-Castillo was released from the county jail on July 31 on a $10,000 bond on the fraud charge, according to jail reports.

Joseph Daryl Passmore Jr. was indicted for continuous sexual abuse of a child and indecency with a child by sexual contact.
The 30-year-old Sulphur Springs man was arrested July 24 on warrants for both charges; he remained in the county jail Sunday, Sept. 8, in lieu of $100,000 on the sexual abuse charge and $50,000 on the indecency charge, according to jail reports.

Indicted for criminal mischief resulting in loss of damages of $2,500 or more but less than $30,000 was Jessy Isaiah Garcia.
The 20-year-old Sulphur Springs man was first accused of the offense on Jan. 13. He was located at a Hillcrest Drive gas station, after he allegedly fled Walmart. He had allegedly stalked a woman to Walmart, hit the car she was in, then struck a man who attempted to calm him down multiple times with a baseball bat, according to arrest and police reports. Garcia was accused in arrest reports of causing damage to hood of the arresting trooper’s car on Jan. 13 as well.
He was arrested on a warrant for the criminal mischief charge on July 16, and remained in the county jail Sept. 8, according to jail reports.

Jeremy Randall Hill was indicted for burglary of vehicles with two or more previous charges.
Hill was arrested July 1 on a warrant for the charge. He was previously sentenced in October of 2010 to an 8-year sentence for burglary and one year in a state jail for theft of a firearm, according to jail reports. He more recently was arrested in April of 2018 on three vehicle burglary charges and on a theft charge for offenses alleged to have occurred in March 2018 on Helm Lane, according to jail and prior arrest reports.
Hill remained in Hopkins County jail Sept. 8. Bond was set at $20,000 on the vehicle burglary charge, according to jail reports.

Omar Sanchez was indicted for attempting to take a weapon from an officer.
The 30-year-old Sulphur Springs man was arrested on the charge on July 15. He was accused of striking another vehicle late July 14 with the Jeep Wrangler he was driving, then to have fled in the vehicle, which the complainant was reportedly following. When Sanchez turned of State Highway 154 onto a dead-end county road, the following vehicle parked at the intersection to await law enforcement; Sanchez allegedly struck the vehicle in the intersection with his vehicle and continued north, according to arrest reports.
Deputies reportedly got the Jeep stopped on State Highway 154 at County Road 1444. Sanchez was ordered out of the Jeep, and when he failed to do as instructed was removed by deputies, the officers alleged in arrest reports. He then allegedly began resisting the officer’s attempts to take him into custody and the deputy deploy his Taser on him. Sanchez then allegedly grabbed the Taser and tried to take it away from the deputy.
Sanchez was jailed at 3 a.m. July 15 on three charges, including attempting to take a weapon from the officer, according to arrest reports.
Sanchez was released from jail later July 15; bond on the weapon charge was set at $5,000, according to jail reports.

Indicted for theft of material such as aluminum, bronze or copper was Calum Len Foldenauer.
The 22-year-old was arrested by Winnsboro police and transported to Hopkins County jail on the charge on Aug. 8. He was released from jail on $5,000 bond on the charge on Aug. 14, according to jail reports.

Kenneth Wayne Higdon was indicted for unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon.
The 43-year-old Como man was arrested on the charge on Aug. 5. Deputies were dispatched to his travel trailer, where he and his 25-year-old wife had allegedly argued about communications on she’d had on Facebook with a male she had previously worked with. She allegedly bit his nose off during the disturbance because he bit her thumbs, which were red. The tip of his nose was missing. Both were arrested for family violence assault, according to arrest reports.
Kenneth Higdon also was accused of displaying a gun during the initial altercation, according to arrest reports. The deputy reportedly found a handgun in the living room area of the travel trailer where the Higdons live. Mr. Higdon allegedly told the deputy he had been on parole for two years; a records check confirmed he had two felony convictions, resulting in Kenneth Higdon being charged with unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon, the deputy alleged in arrest reports.
Higdon was released from jail on Aug. 6. His bond on the weapon charge was set at $10,000, according to jail reports.

Indicted for tampering with or fabricating physical evidence was Chrystal Brooke Vargas.
The 37-year-old Sulphur Springs woman was reportedly arrested at her residence on July 17 on a warrant for the charge. She was released from jail July 19, on $10,000 bond, according to jail reports.
Infant Venzor was indicted for bail jumping and failure to appear. The 20-year-old Dallas woman was in a vehicle stopped April 28 by Cumby police. The vehicle was confirmed to have been reported stolen on April 25 to Dallas Police Department. Venzor and the male in the car were arrested for unauthorized use of a vehicle. She was released from jail May 2 on $5,000 bond on the stolen vehicle charge. She was indicted for bail jumping and failure to appear on a local charge, according to court records.
The remaining offenses were for drug and alcohol offenses.
Jennifer Wilkes, Joseph Andrew Newman and Amanda Katherine Miller were each indicted for driving while intoxicated, third or more offense. Miller was also indicted for possession of less than 1 gram of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance in a drug-free zone.
Also indicted on controlled substance charges were:
- Bolivar Herrera Cavazos — possession of 4 grams or more but less than 400 grams of a Penalty Group 2 controlled substance with intent;
- Gonzalo Chairez-Navarro — possession of 4 grams or more but less than 200 grams of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance;
- Brandon Keith Dokes — possession of 4 grams or more but less than 400 grams of a Penalty Group 2 controlled substance;
- Justin Lee Earhart — possession of 4 grams or more but less than 200 grams of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance;
- Jodi Denise Gibson — possession of less than 1 gram of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance;
- Jamie Lee Lindsay — possession of 4 grams or more but less than 200 grams of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance;
- Curtis Leroy Marler — possession of 1 gram or more but less than 4 grams of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance and for manufacture or delivery of 1 gram or more but less than 4 grams of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance in a drug-free zone;
- Lydia Elizabeth Monteneri — possession 1 gram or more but less than 4 grams of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance;
- Deanthony Rayon Moore — manufacture or delivery of 1 gram or more but less than 4 grams of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance in a drug-free zone;
- Wesley Robert Rose — possession of less than 1 gram of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance;
- Jonathan Wayne Smith — manufacture or delivery of 1 gram or more but less than 4 grams of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance, manufacture or delivery of 4 grams or more but less than 200 grams of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance in a drug-free zone, and possession of 4 grams or more but less than 200 grams of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance in a drug-free zone with intent; and
- Michael Anthony Williams — possession of less than 1 gram of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance.