Winnsboro Police Department Media Report

09/23/2019 – 09/29/2019

Large, Jacob, 28 years of age, of Mineola, was arrested on 09/23/2019 for Failure to Identify as a Fugitive and a Wood County Warrant for no Driver’s
license when unlicensed.

Ferguson, Nicholas, 21 years of age, of Winnsboro, was arrested on
09/27/2019 for Possession of Marijuana <2oz.

The Winnsboro Police Department responded to a 2 vehicle accident on 09/23/2019 in the 200 block of East Coke Road. No injuries reported.

Calls for Service:
The Winnsboro Police Department responded to a total of 124 calls for
service during this reporting period.

The Winnsboro Police Department issued 35 citations and 44 warnings
during this reporting period.

Author: KSST Webmaster

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