Hopkins County Commissioner Court during a regular meeting earlier this week gave approval for a replat of Rynn Estates and an application for a preliminary land subdivision plat for Colbert Oaks.
Margaret Rynn asked to be allowed to replat Rynn Estates, located in Precinct 1. The property has been surveyed. The request is to combine several lots into one, according to County Clerk Tracy Smith.
“It kind of an odd shaped property. It’s just a redesigning of the existing,” Precinct 1 Commissioner Mickey Barker said.
The replat was unanimously approved on a motion from Barker, seconded by Precinct 2 Commissioner Greg Anglin.
Ron Colbert, property owner, submitted an application for a preliminary land subdivision plat for Colbert Oaks – Unit 1.
The 41-acre property is located on FM 275 south. Colbert asked to be allowed to plat approximately 12 acres in front to the highway, less than the required 200 foot front on each of those two pieces. Colbert said the owners have had a surveyor do the platting for them and have been working with attorneys to meet all requirements.
Colbert said they have talked to a road maintenance agreement, with the owners of those three tracts agreeing to maintain the road. He said the county fire marshal has also been consulted regarding road access to ensure the road is sufficient for should emergency vehicles need to respond on it.
It’s is an open public road way, with 60 foot wide utility easements within that line, and Miller Grove Water will have access to run a water line.
The two properties on either side will be sold and own out to the center of the line, for a dedicated roadway specifically to that track in the back so that it’s not land locked in any way, Colbert told the commissioners. That would pass with the deeds moving forward.
Coblert told the court he does not anticipate extending the road out nor dividing the property any more, as an entity is buying 28 acres, with all of those being single family residences.