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North Hopkins FFA Update

By Jessica Hatley, North Hopkins FFA

This Year

North Hopkins FFA

This year, the North Hopkins FFA has had a very busy, but rewarding year. From kickoff to service projects to LDE’s, we have been hard at work, making this an already amazing year. All of what we have done so far, has been possible due to our awesome advisors, Ms. Daugherty, Mrs. Bettes, and
Mr. Asbill, as well as our outstanding chapter officers, Madison, Ashley, Brennen, Geoffrey, Aden, Lindey, Jessica, Tate, Kenna and Jalyn.

Monthly Chapter Meetings

This year, our officers are dedicated to having fun, monthly chapter meetings in order to unify our members, and keep them up to date with the many things going on in our chapter.

In September, we had our annual North Hopkins FFA Kickoff, with delicious food and fun activities, including chicken poop bingo, and a cow bounce house. This also allowed members to pay their dues, order apparel, and receive their Fresh Country fund raising packets.

In October, the members teamed up, and competed in Ag. Olympics. These olympics were set up as a relay race, with members completing their own task, and then tagging the next person in line to complete a different task. These tasks included dressing a scare-crow in Official Dress, milking a fake cow, gutting a pumpkin, egg races, and finally, a three-legged race. The
Olympics were followed by snacks and more fun.

The November meeting brought just as much excitement, with s’mores and glow-in-the-dark capture the flag. We can’t wait for our December meeting and would like to invite all members to attend.

We also now have Ag in the Classroom for our Junior FFA members. These usually take place on the same day as our chapter meetings, shortly before the meeting. This has allowed us to educate our young members and prepare them for their bright future within the Ag and FFA world.


As a chapter, we have already competed in very many competitions this year. Some of the shop kids competed in the Red River Valley Welding Competition. The kids with show animals have also been working hard and competing at jackpot shows. And, of course, you can’t forget all that we have done in LDE competitions.

Leadership Development Events

This year, our chapter hosted district LDE’s at our school. We had a lot of success and sent four of our eight teams to Area competition. From there, our Greenhand Chapter Conductors got 4th place, Senior Chapter Conductors received 6th, Job Interview placed 11th, and our Senior Skill Team placed 12th. It was great that we did so well in our Area VI competitions, especially with our small school.

We are so proud of everyone who has already competed this year, and can’t wait to show our skills to everyone in the upcoming competitions, such as CDE’s in the spring.

Author: KSST Contributor

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