By Jan Vaughn
We want to express our sympathy to the family of Jamie Brice. His funeral service was Monday afternoon, Dec. 2, at Murray-Orwosky Funeral Home. Please be in prayer for his family.
The Tira City Council met on Monday, Dec. 2, for their regular quarterly meeting. The group discussed food pantry storage, building and grounds upkeep and repairs, and routine business. Following the meeting the members decorated the Center for the Community Christmas party, which is coming up on Saturday, Dec. 14, at 6 p.m. The Tira Volunteer Firefighters will be recognized for their service to our community. Make plans to come enjoy good food, fun, and fellowship with your neighbors. Brisket and tea will be provided. Please bring a side dish and/or dessert to share. The Christmas story will be read, and then Santa will be stopping by to visit with the kids.
Joyce Dodd reported, “William and I had a smaller gathering this year for Thanksgiving. As our family grows, it has branched out to spend time with other in-laws and family. We missed those who didn’t get to come, but those who did attend were Michael McNiel, Jerry and Tonja Lucas, Brad, Tanya, and Matthew Dodd, Trenton Dodd and Melony Huffman.”
Landon and Laiken Joslin and the boys, Rylan, Brailon, and Slaiden, hosted Thanksgiving dinner for family on Thursday evening. Joining them were Randy and Fran Harris, Malcolm and Kenden Joslin, Emma Hall (Kenden’s girlfriend), and Chip and I. We had way too much to eat, but everything was so good. After the meal, we had fun playing charades.
Elizabeth (Liz) Steinsiek had Johnny and Cilla Hudson and Gerald and Dee Osbon over for lunch at her cabin on Thanksgiving day. On Friday, our family gathered there with her for another Thanksgiving meal. Those attending were Michael, Tracy, Jordyn, Madison, and Lani Horn from Schertz (near San Antonio); Delayne Vaughn from Waco; Linda Ellen Vaughn from Dallas; Tiffany and Perry Gilbert and Jaidyn Joslin from Malvern, Arkansas; Kenden Joslin and his girlfriend, Emma; Landon, Laiken, Rylan, Brailon, and Slaiden Joslin; and Chip and myself. We enjoyed eating and visiting. The boys had fun fishing from the pier in the rain and the girls played cards. Rylan, Brailon, and Slaiden spent Saturday night with us and went to church with us on Sunday morning.
I hope to have more news about Thanksgiving gatherings next time.
I always need and appreciate input from my friends to help keep me informed of news in our community. If you have any news pertaining to Tira residents, past or present, please contact me, Jan Vaughn, at 903-438-6688 or [email protected].