A 51-year-old Sulphur Springs woman was arrested early Sunday morning by police for allegedly trying to hide a methamphetamine pipe from police during a traffic stop.
Sulphur Springs Police Officer Zach Brown stopped a Nissan Altima at 1:23 a.m. December 1st in the 700 block of Freeman Street for an equipment violation. The driver, identified in reports as Rachelle Denise Ford Madison, exited the car upon stopping. The officers noticed an object sticking out of the back pocket of her pants as she walked to the passenger’s side of the car.
Brown reported talking with the woman as she walked back toward the driver’s side of the car she had exited. The object was missing from her pocket at that time, so the police officer walked the area where the woman had walked. Brown saw a glass suspected to be pipe used to smoke methamphetamine on the ground with tree leaves crudely covering part of it; the object was what the policeman had seen sticking out of the woman’s pocket, the officer alleged in arrest reports.
Madison was arrested for tampering with physical evidence. The car was secured on a private property. She remained in the county jail Monday morning, December 2nd; bond was set at $10,000 on the third-degree felony charge, according to jail reports.