Two Commerce men and a Sulphur Springs man were taken into custody Monday at the adult probation office on warrants.

Rian Auriel Ramirez, 26, of Commerce was taken into custody Monday morning, and transported by Cpl. Todd Evans to the county jail. He was held for violation of probation on an intoxication assault with a vehicle causing serious bodily injury, according to arrest reports.
Ramirez’s arrest Jan. 13 marks the second time in less than a year he has been jailed in Hopkins County for violation of probation on the charge. He was also arrested May 6, 2019, for violating probation on the charge, and remained in the county jail until June 27, 2019, according to jail reports.

Marc Anthony Flannigan, 31, of Commerce was taken into custody at 4:45 p.m. by Deputy Dan Turrentine and transported to the county jail for violation of probation, which he was on for possession of 1 gram or more but less than 4 grams of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance, according to arrest reports.
Flannigan’s arrest Jan. 13 marks the second time in less than a month he was booked into Hopkins County jail. He was also arrested Dec. 22, 2019, on a second offense driving while intoxicated charge and a possession of marijuana charge, according to jail reports.

Lanny Dale Hill, 54, of Sulphur Springs was taken into custody at 9:15 a.m. by Deputy Dan Turrentine for violation of probation, according to arrest reports.
Hill was on probation for aggravated assault of a date, family or household member with a weapon charge, according to arrest and jail reports. At the time of his arrest on Feb. 12, 2019 on the charge, Hill was accused of threatening to kill a female with a hammer.