Missouri Man Jailed In Hopkins County On Controlled Substance Charge

A 38-year-old St. Joseph, Missouri man was jailed in Hopkins County after troopers located suspected methamphetamine in the truck he was driving on New Year’s Eve.
Sorley reported seeing an open alcohol container in plain view in the floorboard, so he had Knighten step out of the so the highway patrol trooper could check for more open containers. Knighten allegedly gave his permission for the DPS officer to search the entire contents of the pickup, Sorley noted in arrest reports.
Approximately one-third of a bottle of alcohol remained in the container in the floorboard, Sorley reported. A bag containing smaller baggies with a crystal-like substance in them was allegedly found under the front console.
When asked if he had any illegal drugs or objects relating to drugs in the truck, Knighten allegedly admitted there was a pipe that would contain methamphetamine residue; an item fitting that description was located in the back floorboard, Sorley alleged in arrest reports. Suspected methamphetamine was also alleged found on piece of glass inside a clipboard, and objects used to inject and smoke methamphetamine were also allegedly located, Sorely stated in arrest reports.
Consequently, Knighten was arrested for possession of less than 1 gram of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance, according to jail reports.