Asbestos Abatement Underway

In order for the new Senior Citizens Center to be built, the building at the corner of Oak ave and Fuller St must be razed. Sulphur Springs City Manager Marc Maxwell confirmed with KSST that asbestos abatement is underway. Windows, doors and even roof vents are now sealed, as a contractor carries out the work.

Asbestos abatement under way.

Asbestos-containing buildings that are to be torn down usually have to be sealed, and then have asbestos safely removed before ordinary demolition can be performed. Asbestos removal may take longer and cost more than the actual demolition.

A separate contractor is ready to demolish the building as soon as the all clear is give. Sulphur Springs construction crews are busy on other street projects, so a decision to hire an outside team to remove the building was made.

Marc Maxwell expects the demolition to begin in 10 days.

Author: KSST Webmaster

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