In addition to casting ballots for their choices in local, state and U.S. elections, both Democratic and Republican party ballots also include Propositions.
Voters in the Democratic Primary will be asked to vote yes or not to the following propositions:
Proposition 1
Right to Healthcare: Should everyone in Texas have a right to quality healthcare, protected by a universally accessible Medicare-style system that saves rural hospitals, reduces the cost of prescription drugs, and guarantees access to reproductive healthcare?

Proposition 2
Right to a 21st Century Public Education: Should everyone in Texas ave the right to high-quality public education from pre-k to 12th grade, and affordable college and career training without the burden of crushing student loan debt?
Proposition 3
Right to Clean Air, Safe Water and a Responsible Climate Policy: Should everyone in Texas have the right to clean air, safer water, affordable and sustainable alternative energy sources, and a responsible climate policy that recognizes and addresses the climate crisis as a real and serious threat that impacts every aspect of life on this planet?
Proposition 4
Right to Economic Security: Should everyone in Texas have the right to economic security, where all workers have earned paid family and sick leave, training to prepare for future economies, and a living wage that respects their hard work?
Proposition 5
Right to Dignity & Respect: Should everyone in Texas have the right to a life of dignity and respect , free from discrimination and harassment anywhere, including businesses and public facilities, no matter how they identify, the color of their skin, whom they love, socioeconomic status, disability status, housing status, or from where they come?
Proposition 6
Right to Be Free from Violence: Should everyone in Texas have the right to live a life free from violence-gun violence, racial hatred, terrorism, domestic violence, bullying, harassment or sexual assault — so Texans can grow in a safe environment?
Proposition 7
Right to Housing: Should everyone in Texas have the right to affordable and accessible housing and modern utilities (electricity, water, gas, and high-speed internet) free from any form of discrimination?
Proposition 8
Right to Vote: Should every eligible Texan have the right to vote, made easier by automatic voter registration, the option to vote by mail, guaranteed early and mobile voting stations, and a state election holiday — free from corporate campaign influence, foreign and domestic interference and gerrymandering?
Proposition 9
Right to Fair Criminal Justice System: Should everyone in Texas have the right to a fair criminal justice system that treats people equally, uses proven methods for de-escalating situations instead of excessive force, and puts an end to the mass disproportionate incarceration of people of color for minor offenses.
Proposition 10
Immigration Rights: Should there be a just and fair comprehensive immigration reform solution that includes an earned path to citizenship for law-abiding immigrants and their children, keeps families together, protects DREAMers, and provides workforce solutions for businesses?
Proposition 11
Right to Fair Taxation: Should Texas establish equitable taxation for people at all income levels and for businesses and corporations, large and small, so our state government can fund our educational, social, infrastructure, business, and all government services to improve programs necessary to all Texans to survive?
Early voting in all March 3 primary elections in Hopkins County is conducted from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Feb. 18-22, Feb. 24, Feb. 26 and Feb. 28. Voting will be conducted from noon to 5 p.m. Feb. 23, and from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Feb. 25 and 27, in Justice of the Peace #2 Courtroom at the Hopkins County Tax Office/Justice of the Peace Offices, 128 Jefferson St. in Sulphur Springs.
The last day to accept applications for ballots by mail is Feb. 21. Election Day voting will be from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the 12 voting center locations throughout the county.