The start of early voting for the March 3 Primary Elections begins Tuesday morning, Feb. 18.
At the county level, the Constable 2 position was the only one to draw challengers. While Constable 2 Bill Allan chose not to seek another term, John Brian Beadle and Charles Humphries are both seeking the Republican Party nomination for the office. There are no Democratic Party candidates for Constable Precinct 2, according to the Secretary of State’s Office.
To help voters become more acquainted with the candidates, KSST asked each to provide information regarding their candidacy. Below are their responses, in their own words.
- Name, office sought and party:
- Family information:
- I am married to wife Wendi, with a 6 year old son named Grayson, who is in 1st grade.
- Occupation, brief job description:
- I was a criminal investigator with Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office.
- On 9-2-1999, I started working in the jail.
- On 3-24-04, I was promoted to Deputy.
- On 12-1-05, I was promoted to Criminal Investigator. I worked and assisted on cases from mailbox bashing to capital murder.
- Education, training, special skills, experience:
- I have worked in Hopkins County for 20 years and have gotten to learn the county and the city of Sulphur Springs, and the people. I have served civil papers, warrants, executed search warrants, and have served as bailiff throughout my career. Also, I have testified as an expert witness in Jury trials in Hopkins, Franklin and Delta Counties, and will continue to do so. I also have been over the sex offender registration program and have filed over 50 cases for non-compliance.
- Why are you seeking this office?
- I am seeking this office because I have worked with and for the great citizens of Hopkins County and would love to serve as their Constable #2.
- Top areas of concern, need or challenges in the office you are seeking, and your plan to address them:
- Not any areas of concern. Bill Allan has done a Tremendous Job as our Constable. I would just bring my training and experience to the job.
- What do you feel is most important for the public to know about you and your candidacy?
- I want the public to know that I am dedicated, honest, hard working and I want to continue to work with and for the citizens of Hopkins County. Please get out and vote.
- Name, office sought and party:
- Family information:
- Married to my wife DeLana Tully Beadle for 19 years.
We have two sons, John Dillon Beadle and Jonas Wyatt Beadle.
- Married to my wife DeLana Tully Beadle for 19 years.
- Occupation, brief job description:
- Dallas County Deputy Constable Pct. 3
- As a deputy, I’ve worked in civil, traffic, misdemeanor and felony warrants, writs, mental health warrants and as a bailiff of the court.
- Education, training, special skills, experience:
- 25 years with Dallas County (19+ years with the Dallas Constable Office Pct. 3)
- Eastfield college Law Enforcement Academy
- 1200+ continuing education hours
- Master Peace Officer
- Court Bailiff, Civil, Traffic, Warrants, Writs, and Mental Health Deputy
- Why are you seeking this office?
- I’ve served as a Deputy Constable for the past 19+ years at Dallas County Pct 3 and I find my work self fulfilling. After commuting for the last 12 years, I would like to bring my job home. I’m confident that with the knowledge and experience gained from the past 19+ years that I can perform the duties of Constable Pct. 2 in an efficient and professional manner.
- Top areas of concern, need or challenges in the office you are seeking, and your plan to address them?
- I’m not aware of any problems currently, but with my work experience, I feel comfortable that I will be able to address any concerns or challenges that might arise in the office.
- What do you feel is most important for the public to know about you and your candidacy?
- If elected, I will perform the job with the utmost respect and integrity of the office.