There will be no pre-trial hearings in Sulphur Springs Municipal Court on Thursday, March 19, according to Court Administrator Karen Newsom.
The Sulphur Springs Municipal Court is rescheduling all defendants, jurors, and witnesses set for a hearing or trial from March 16, 2020 through and including April 3, 2020. Those impacted will receive a written notice from the Court advising of the new date, time, and location of their hearing, trial, or jury service.

The court office remains open for those needing to take care of a ticket. However, due to the Coronavirus 2019 threat, Sulphur Springs Municipal Court is encouraging community members, when possible to do the following as relates to any civil and/or criminal citations/cases, jury service notice, and/or witness notification a person may have with the Sulphur Springs Municipal Court:
- Call our mainline at 903-885-7454 M-F 8am-5pm. (In many instances, you can address your citation online or through the mail and not have to appear in person).
- If you believe you are sick, or have been exposed to someone who is sick, or a member of a high risk group according to the Center for Disease Control please exercise the following options to address your citation, witness notice, or jury service without entering a court facility:
- Call our main line at 903-885-7454, M-F 8am-5pm
- Submit documents to the court for upcoming court dates at the email or fax below
- Submit a request to reset a court date at the email or fax below Email: [email protected]
Fax#: 903-438-9548
Be sure to include current complete typewritten or legibly printed: name, address, DOB, phone, email address and citation # (if known), along with a request for reset providing notation as to why. A Judge will review and notice will be provided as to the Judge’s decision.