Clearing The Path For A New Senior Citizens Center

Work continued this week, clearing the path for construction of a new Senior Citizens Center, to be constructed on Oak Avenue.

An old structure on Oak Avenue was torn down this week and the site will be cleared off so that a new activity center for senior citizens can be constructed on the property.

In the Nov. 5, 2019 Election 77.49 percent of Sulphur Springs residents casting ballots voted to allow up to $200,000 per year in Economic Development funds collected to be used to cover costs of improvements at Pacific Park and to build a new activity center for senior citizens.

Sulphur Springs City Council at the regular February meeting approved a contract from EnviroCare Associates, Inc., forĀ abatement of asbestosĀ at 301 Oak Avenue, where a nursing home once was located. The property went to local taxing authorities. The other taxing entities agreed to allow their stake in the property to go to the city, so that a new activity center can be built for senior citizens. In order to build on the site, the existing structure had to be removed. Asbestos had to be abated before the building could be torn down and removed.

Asbestos work began earlier this month and has recently been completed. This week, equipment was brought to the site and the building was razed. The debris will be removed, then that portion of the property has been designated for parking. The plan is for the new building to be constructed on the other end of the property.

Author: KSST Contributor

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