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Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report

Sulphur Springs City Hall
Sulphur Springs City Hall

Date: March 3, 2020

To: City Council

From: City Manager Marc Maxwell

Subject: Manager’s Report

WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT — We are having problems with the blowers, serious problems. Two of the three blowers developed vibration problems and have now become inoperable. There have been some vibration issues since installation last August.

Recently the issues became bad enough to render the units inoperable. One of the units is still operating, but there are signs of vibration with it as well. I have instructed Utilities Director James Jordan to locate a portable blower just in case we need it. I have instructed the City Attorney to file claims on the contractor’s (Gracon Construction) surety bonds.

GRAYS’ BUILDING – We had an estimator figure the cost of the building. As it is designed the cost will be about $1,000,000. We are trying to get that down to about $850,000. We can do the site work ourselves and make a few minor design changes and I think we’ll be there. In about 30 days we should be ready to either send it out to bid or to solicit qualifications for a construction manager at risk.

WOODBRIDGE – We still need to remove the temporary street, but the drainage/street project is completed.

BELLVIEW STREET – The Capital Construction Division has returned to Bellview, and water main construction is underway.

CONNALLY STREET – The sidewalk on the north side of the street is almost
completed. We focused on the north side first because that side is funded by a TxDOT grant and we need to finish soon. We will begin on the south sidewalk next.

S.H. 11 WIDENING (LIFT STATION) – This project is nearly completed. We
replaced a lift station and sewer main along S.H. 11. TxDOT paid for almost all of it.

The next phase of the S.H. 11 project will require the relocation of a sewer force-main and a water main. The city will bear much of the cost on the next phase.

CLAIMS – A Water and Sewer Division employee was struck by a very high pressure sewer main cleaning hose causing lacerations to his chest. This had the potential to be quite serious, but fortunately it looks like he will be returning to duty soon.

Also, a Parks and Recreation employee backed into another vehicle causing damage to it.The claim has been submitted to TML.

REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES – Finance Director Lesa Smith will not give a year-to-date report of revenues and expenditures.

Elsewhere around the city, employees:

  • Removed a mop head from the Cantex lift station.
  • Replaced a chemical controller on the fountain pump.
  • Replaced lights at the senior center.
  • Passed a TCEQ inspection of the wastewater treatment plant with no findings!
  • Repaired 7 water main ruptures.
  • Replaced 10 water meters.
  • Unstopped 27 sewer mains.
  • Repaired 4 sewer mains.
  • Washed 80,000 feet of sewer mains.
  • Flushed 36 dead end water mains.
  • Opened Sulphur Springs Flood Gates 12 times due to rain.
  • Treated 124 million gallons of potable water.
  • Responded to 167 fire/rescue calls including 0 structure fires 4 grass fires, and 1 vehicle fire.
  • Performed 34 fire inspections.
  • Performed preventative maintenance on 78 fire hydrants.
  • Began removing outfield fence at Pacific Park.
  • Mowed Coleman Dam.
  • Made 7 major street repairs following utility repairs.
  • Repaired 270 potholes.
  • Closed Gilmer Street for Kansas City Southern railroad to make a repair.
  • Installed 850 feet of water main on Bellview.
  • Conducted 15 building inspections, 15 electrical inspections, 23 plumbing inspections, 2 mechanical inspections and issued 20 building permits.
  • Sold 2,727 gallons of AvGas and 6,566 gallons of JetA fuel.
  • Checked out 2,754 items from the library and an additional 719 eBooks.
  • Responded to 150 animal control calls and achieved a 91% adoption rate.
  • Responded to 2,993 calls for police, recorded 55 offenses, wrote 540 traffic citations, made 69 arrests and responded to 45 accidents in the patrol division.
  • Made 8 felony arrests in the Special Crimes Unit.
Sulphur Springs Municipal Building, 201 North Davis St.

Author: KSST Contributor

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