The launch of “Takeout Together” was announced Tuesday. This will allow local restaurants in Sulphur Springs to continue to serve patrons curbside until the coronavirus concern has passed.

“We will be designating certain parking spaces, specifically downtown where they have shared parking, for that purpose and no other purpose. So people can show up, the restaurant staff will bring their food and they can take off,” City Manager Marc Maxwell said Tuesday.
A number of local food establishments are already offering curbside pick up. Additional information, including a list or restaurants participating, and a video are expected to be posted by end of week about it social media sites.
Maxwell said for people to start watching for the Takeout Together signs. This effort will help curtail potential spread of germs and viruses and help local businesses stay open. Many, he said, are already impacted by the measures being taken in communities across the country in an effort to reduce potential spread of COVID-19.
While more people are remaining in their homes as recommended, that means less business for local restaurants and businesses. This will allow patrons to continue supporting local businesses while still taking precautions, according to the city manager. Look for Takeout Together on Facebook for information about your favorite restaurant or call for information.
So far, Maxwell said, no confirmed cases have been recorded in Sulphur Springs, but that could change as the number of people across the state confirmed to have the virus increases.
The City of Sulphur Springs did order the Senior Citizens Center closed starting March 16, and Sulphur Springs Public Library will close tonight at 6 p.m. They will remain closed indefinitely, until the coronoavirus concern has passed.
Other city offices and operations remain open. City officials are encouraging those who can to pay their water bills online as a precaution for their health as well as city staff. They understand some are unable to do so. Thus, city offices remain open for people to pay water bills and municipal court tickets. All trials in the municipal court have been postponed until further notice, however.
Sulphur Springs Police Chief Jason Ricketson said city staff like other officials continue to monitor the situation regarding COVID-19 and are taking appropriate precautions where possible. Emergency personnel have been equipped with protective gear for their safety while responding to calls in the field.