At least 5 people were jailed in Hopkins County on felony warrants between April 7 and April 11, according to arrest and jail reports.

Police officers were dispatched around 11:40 a.m. April 9 to a report of trespassing at Walmart. While responding to the call, officers reported seeing the suspect’s vehicle near a South Broadway Street financial institution.
An investigative stop of the white Nissan Sentra allegedly revealed Lashonda Renee Brown to be the passenger in the car. A records check showed the 42-year-old Sulphur Springs woman to be wanted by the US Marshal’s Service on a charge of amphetamine-selling methamphetamine. Consequently, Brown was taken into custody at 12:06 p.m. and transported to jail on the charge, Sulphur Springs Police Officers Silas Whaley and Adrian Pruitt alleged in arrest reports.
Jail records show Brown was booked into Hopkins County jail eight times between 1997 and 2005. She was booked in after being sentenced to serve a 10-day commitment in 1998 for unauthorized use of a motor vehicle and being assessed an 18-month sentence in 2005 for violation of probation on an unauthorized use of motor vehicle charge, according to jail reports.
Brown was booked April 9, 2020, into Hopkins County jail, where she remained Saturday, April 11, on the US Marshals warrant, according to jail reports.

Christopher Joe Gomez was arrested in Jefferson County, Oklahoma on a Hopkins County warrant. Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office was notified.
HCSO Deputy Elijah Fite took Gomez into custody at 9:44 p.m. April 9 and transported him to Hopkins County jail, where the 28-year-old Dallas man was booked for violation of probation, which he was on the warrant for unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon, according to arrest reports. (He was originally arrested on a warrant for the firearm charge on Dec. 31, 2018, and remained in Hopkins County jail until March 8, 2019, according to jail reports.)
Gomez remained in Hopkins County jail Saturday, April 11, on the violation of probation charge. He’s also held on outstanding warrants from Dallas County for evading arrest or detention with a vehicle, evading arrest or detention with previous conviction and theft charges. His bonds on the Dallas charges total $7,000, according to jail reports.

Eddie Frank Horrocks was taken into custody at 2 p.m. April 9, in Rains County on a HopkinsCounty warrant for theft of property valued at $2,500 or more but less than $30,000. The 59-year-old Emory man was transported to Hopkins County jail where he was booked on the warrant, Hopkins County Sheriff’s Investigators Wade Sheets and Michael Russell noted in arrest reports.
Horrocks was released from Hopkins County jail Friday, April 10. Bond was set at $5,000 for the theft charge, according to jail reports.

Deputy Steve Huffman traveled to Brownsville, Tennessee, where he took 45-year-old L C Outlaw Jr., 46, into custody at 11:30 a.m. April 7 at Haywood County jail on Hopkins County warrant. Huffman transported Outlaw to Sulphur Springs, where the Tennessee man was booked into Hopkins County jail later that evening for surety off bond on an unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon warrant, according to arrest reports.
Outlaw and his wife were arrested on Nov. 28, 2016, following a traffic stop by Cumby police. He was charged with unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon after a gun was found in the glove box of their vehicle, and she was charged with marijuana possession, officers alleged in the 2016 reports. He was released from jail the next day on $10,000 bond on the firearm charge, according to jail reports.
Outlaw spent two days in Hopkins County jail this week before his release on April 9, 2020; bond was again set at $10,000 on the firearm charge, according to jail reports.

Hopkins County Sheriff’s Cpl. Todd Evans and Investigator Michael Russell took 40-year-old Stacy Pauline Williams of Sulphur Springs into custody on Church Street at Houston Street at 9:02 a.m. April 7.
Officers, aware of the warrant for her arrest, went to the address. The woman allegedly came to the door. The deputies reported finding nothing illegal during a “consent search” of the room, but the woman did admit to using marijuana, Evans and Russell alleged in arrest reports.
Consequently, Williams was taken into custody for violation of parole, which she was on for a fraud-deliver of Schedule III, IV or V prescription charge charge, according to arrest reports.
Jail reports show Williams has been jailed several times over the last 10 years on prescription fraud charges.
She was arrested on April 12, 2010 on six fraudulent possession of a controlled substance/Schedule III, IV, or V prescription charges. She was jailed for violation of probation on one fraudulent possession of a controlled Schedule III, IV or V prescription from May 2 to May 6, 2014 and again Aug. 22-Sept. 17, 2014. She was booked into Hopkins County jail on Oct. 8, 2015, after being sentenced to a commitment in a substance abuse felony punishment facility on the prescription fraud charge; she remained in Hopkins County jail until Dec. 2, 2015. On April 5, 2018, Williams was sentenced to three years in prison for violating probation on the charge, according to jail records.
On Jan. 20, 2017, Williams was sentenced to three days in a state jail for fraud-delivery of a controlled substance/Schedule III, IV or V. She was picked up on the warrant this week for violating parle on the charge; she remained in Hopkins County jail on the charge Saturday, April 11, according to jail and arrest reports.
If you have an emergency, dial 9-1-1
The Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office is located at 298 Rosemont Sulphur Springs, TX 75482. You can reach them for non-emergency matters at (903) 438-4040. publishes Sulphur Springs Police Department reports and news. The Police Department is located at 125 Davis St., Sulphur Springs, Texas. Non-emergency calls can be made to (903) 885-7602.
If you have an emergency dial 9-1-1.
The Sulphur Springs Police Department continues to serve its citizens with pride in its overall mission and will strive to provide the best possible police force in the 21st century.
If you have an emergency, dial 9-1-1
The Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office is located at 298 Rosemont Sulphur Springs, TX 75482. You can reach them for non-emergency matters at (903) 438-4040.