Special Election, A Sewer Line Repair Also On April 14 Cumby City Council Agenda
Cumby City Council has a full agenda for Tuesday evening’s meeting, which will be conducted beginning at 6:30 p.m. April 14 via Zoom.
Zoom Meeting
The Council had planned to stream the meeting on YouTube for community members to view, with a designated phone number will be provided for community comments at the designated time. However, due to technical issues, the city will be conducting it strictly on zoom.
“We were unable to get the YouTube channel to stream the meeting. We are going to be inviting the public to view through zoom. I spent several days working on it with our IT guy and still had no luck. I apologize for the short notice so please share with our fellow Cumby citizens. At the beginning of the meeting the Mayor will go over some things so that we all are able to hear and participate,” City Secretary Codi Reynolds posted on the city’s Facebook page this afternoon.
To join the Zoom meeting at 6 p.m. tonight, click this link: https://zoom.us/j/96827214490.
The Meeting ID is 968 2721 4490.
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Meeting ID: 968 2721 4490
Click here to find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/acM3oepTI1
The meeting may also be accessed by clicking the link on the City website: https://cityofcumby.com/
On the Agenda

The council has been asked by Hunt County to consider allowing Cumby’s “territorial limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction” which falls within the proposed Hunt County Emergency Services District No. 1″ to be part of the ESD.
The City Council is also being asked to consider canceling the Special Election called May 2 to fill Alderman Places 1 and 2 on the council.
An ordinance is also proposed which would authorize law enforcement officer to perform traffic stops for any violation of executive orders issued by the Governor declaring a state of disaster.
A cost estimate from Hayter Engineering for repair of a main sewer line on Depot Street, establishment of a Court Security Committee the City-wide Clean Up and appointment of a local rabies authority are also on the 6:30 p.m. council agenda.