The Sulphur Springs Manager’s Report was presented to Sulphur Springs City Council by City Manager Marc Maxwell at the regular May 5, 2020, City Council meeting, conducted via Zoom, and streamed on the City of Sulphur Springs Meetings YouTube channel.
- Most City Offices have reopened. Police Department, Fire Department, Water Treatment Plant and Wastewater Treatment Plant remain closed.
- Police and Fire have instituted new procedures for dealing with persons suspected of COVID-19.
- Police and Fire have their temperature taken when arriving at work.
- Meetings are conducted virtually when possible.
- Department Heads, the City Manager and the Mayor meet each week (virtually) to coordinate our efforts.
- Mayor, City Manager, Police Chief and Fire Chief attend EOC briefings twice per week.
We just can’t quite finish this project. We have one item remaining on the contractor’s punch list, to replace a faulty flow meter. Once that is done, we will send the final check to the contractor for $397,000. All other issues have been resolved, and the plant is operating beautifully.
Specifications are being written for the new Grays building. I expect to advertise for bids in 30 days. In the meantime we will build up the pad for the building.
The water main was completed this month. Next up will be cement stabilization of the subgrade and asphalt pavement. Unfortunately, street work can’t begin until Atmos replaces their line. I expect Atmos won’t be finished for 90 days.
These streets are up next on our list of capital improvement projects. We have begun doing some investigative work onsite, but we are discussing the possibility of delaying the project until we have a better understanding of the financial impact of the pandemic. We may be scheduling this topic
at a future City Council meeting.
Construction has begun on the sidewalk on the south side of Connally Street.
The Capital Construction Division replaced various curb segments for the streets that will be repaved in this year’s Street Improvement Program, (S.I.P.). The S.I.P. is funded by a combination of General Fund revenues and the Street Maintenance Fee on the water bill. I expect the contractor, Texana Land and Asphalt to begin this week. The following streets will be repaved this year:

We had 1 minor worker’s compensation claim in April and zero liability
claims. The injury did not require treatment.
Finance Director Lesa Smith will give a year-to-date report of revenues and expenditures.
Elsewhere around the city, employees:
- Conducted 23 building inspections, 25 electrical inspections, 18 plumbing inspections, 8 mechanical inspections and issued 15 building permits.
- Made 6 major street repairs following utility repairs.
- Patched 97 potholes.
- Replaced siding on front on the animal shelter and painted it.
- Demolished 1317 West Ave.
- Poured concrete footing under fence at the animal shelter.
- Replaced valley gutters and intersection at both ends of Linda Drive.
- Replaced various sections of curb and gutter on Bellview.
- Removed 4 large trees from the site of the new Senior Citizens Center.
- Made preparations to burn a large brush pile at Coleman Park.
- Planted seasonal flowers at City facilities and on Celebration Plaza.
- Trimmed trees downtown.
- Prepared fountain for summer activities.
- Responded to 153 fire/rescue calls.
- Responded to 1 structure fire, 3 car fires and 13 grass fires.
- Did not perform any fire inspections due to pandemic.
- Did not maintain any fire hydrants.
- Checked out 1,414 items from the library (curbside service) plus 904 eBooks.
- Responded to 168 animal control calls.
- Achieved a 77% adoption rate at the animal shelter.
- Made 8 arrests by the Special Crimes Unit.
- Responded to 1702 calls for law enforcement.
- Responded to 25 accidents, wrote 142 citations, recorded 69 offenses and made 36 arrests.
- Repaired Hopkins County Veterans Memorial fountain.
- Installed sneeze guards at city facilities.
- Prepared Celebration Plaza for the summer season.
- Treated wastewater to a daily Average total suspended solids reading of .61 mg/L.
- Repaired 3 water breaks.
- Replaced 9 water meters.
- Unstopped 10 sewer mains.
- Repaired 3 sewer mains.
- Flushed 36 dead end water mains.
- Treated 127 million gallons of potable water.
- Sold 1,202 gallons of AvGas and 2,115 gallons of JetA fuel.