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Northeast Texas Children’s Museum Makes Plans to Reopen

(May 18, 2020, Commerce, Texas) As guidelines evolve daily regarding safety standards, the Northeast Texas Children’s Museum is scheduling a reopening of the Children’s Museum on Tuesday, May 26. Plans are to open the Children’s Museum gradually so that safe practices can continue to be evaluated as specifics for a healthy environment continue to change.

The museum will open from 9:30 to 12:00 and close from 12:00 to 1:00 for cleaning. The museum will reopen from 1:00 to 4:00 for the second part of the day. Closing thirty minutes earlier each day will allow the staff additional time to clean the museum before opening for the next day. As each group is brought into the museum, the temperature of each individual will be taken. Each individual will be required to wash his/her hands before entering the museum.

During May visitors to the Children’s Museum will be asked to schedule their visit by pre-registering the day and time of their visit. Registration can be completed by calling 903-886-6055 or by going to the museum web page. “By asking guests to register before coming to the Children’s Museum, our staff can better control the numbers in the museum each day. We can also better plan for staffing and daily sanitation measures. These guidelines will be reevaluated as we move into June. We want to keep children safe, but we also want to give them an opportunity to use their imagination and creativity. We know that play is very important to young children,” said Sharline Freeman, Director of the Northeast Texas Children’s Museum.
The Children’s Museum offers a large variety of play areas. Some of the more popular exhibits are the Kid’s Steam Train, Lion’s Club Bubble Room, and Brookshire’s Grocery. Pictures of exhibits can be seen at the website at

The Northeast Texas Children’s Museum opened eighteen years ago. In 2019 the museum purchased a building and seven acres. The Children’s Museum is now located at 100 Maple Street, Commerce, Texas.

For additional information, contact:

Sharline Freeman, Executive Director
Northeast Texas Children’s Museum
100 Maple Street
Commerce, Texas 75428
Telephone: (903) 886-6055 or (903) 456-4789

Author: KSST Webmaster

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