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P&Z Commission To Discuss Cosmetic Tattooing, Accessory Dwelling Units

Most of tonight’s Planning and Zoning Commission meeting will feature discussion and consideration of permanent makeup and cosmetic tattooing; accessory dwelling units are also to be discussed at the meeting.

Salon Laveau on Davis Street has requested a special use permit which would allow the business to perform microblading and permanent makeup. At the March meeting the P&Z Commission gave approval to a special use permit request for a Main Street boutique downtown to be allowed to perform cosmetic tattooing and tattoo removal.

The P&Z Commission is also asked to discuss a potential ordinance amendment that would define cosmetic tattoos and identify which zoning districts to permit them in. With more salons requesting permit to offer these additional services, there have been discussions on exactly what constitutes cosmetic tattooing and permanent makeup, including microblading. Proposed is amending the ordinance to allow beauty shops and salons to perform the services in commercial or multi-family zoned district as additional services.

Accessory dwelling units, smaller secondary homes on the same lot as primary dwellings, are also slated for discussion and more clarification by the P&Z Commission, before the matter is officially submitted to the City Council for proposal as an ordinance.

The P&Z Commission meeting is salted to begin at 6 p.m. May 18.

Due to the risks associated with the Coronavirus, the meeting will not be physically conducted at City Hall (201 North Davis) and will be held virtually. The meeting can be accessed at The Meeting ID is  92566655135; and the password is 931457. The link may also be accessed on the City of Sulphur Springs website.

For additional assistance with the password, contact Jennifer Graham in the Community Development Department at (903) 885-7541 or by email at [email protected].

Instead of being held at the Sulphur Springs Municipal Building, the regular meeting of the Sulphur Springs Planning and Zoning Commission will be conducted via Zoom meetings.

Author: KSST Contributor

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