Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Chamber Connection — June 4, 2020

Fireworks Planned On July 4, Symphony League Concert Scheduled Labor Day Weekend

Lezley Brown
Lezley Brown

By Lezley Brown, CEO/President Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce

Every year, the Sulphur Springs Symphony League hosts our Independence Day celebration on our CelebrationPlaza. The night is filled with beautiful music, wonderful fellowship between family and friends, and amazing fireworks that light the night sky. The year 2020 has brought several changes that no one anticipated, and so the Symphony League has adjusted their concert and fireworks to Labor Day weekend. We are beyond excited and relieved that this favorite downtown event is still happening. Make sure to mark your calendars for Labor Day weekend!

Judge Newsom reached out to some businesses in town in hopes to offer fireworks of some kind for July 4. As a result, fireworks will be held on Saturday, July 4. There will be a band downtown who will play until about 8 p.m. Fireworks will begin at nightfall.

Let’s talk about some ways to keep everyone safe and healthy.

First, you are welcome to bring your lawn chairs and sit on the Plaza to listen to the band and watch fireworks. Please make sure to put six feet in between your family and the family next to you.

Second, you are also welcomed to find a place near the square to park and watch the show from your vehicle. Grab a snack from your favorite local business, take your lawn chairs, and hop in the back of your pickup! This will be a great way to watch the show and remain perfectly socially distanced.

Third, keep in mind the COVID is still a part of our lives right now. Be respectful of peoples’ wishes. They may not want to shake hands or hug, and that’s perfectly okay. Everyone has a varied opinion about the virus, so we need to be understanding of all of them. Attendance is a personal decision, so do whatever it is that you are comfortable with, personally.

Finally, let’s all keep in mind that this holiday celebration is our favorite each year because of the outstanding talent and hard work of the Symphony League. They will host their concert and fireworks as usual in 2021; this is the only year things will look a little different.

The Chamber is getting close to our annual Golf Tournament! Our reschedule date is Friday, June 19, at Sulphur Springs Country Club. As usual, we will have morning and afternoon flights, and we have availability
for teams right now.

This tournament will look different in a few ways. … We will spend the day completely outside, we will wash our hands often and well, lunch will be picked up in a box instead of being on a buffet, and all team members and volunteers will “Spend the Day a Club’s Length Away!” That will be our social distancing motto to keep everyone safe and healthy! We are looking forward to beautiful weather and a great time! Give us a call at (903) 885-6515 to register your team!

Business Highlight

Four Seasons Landscaping and Irrigiation

During the year 2020, The Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce is highlighting a business each week.

Please join me in congratulating our Business of the Week for June 4, Four Seasons Landscaping and Irrigation. You can read biographical stories at the Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce’s Facebook page and
Instagram page.

Author: KSST Contributor

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