Northeast Texas Beef Improvement Organization (NETBIO)
Public Information Services
NETBIO changes sale days, weaning requirements
The Northeast Texas Beef Improvement Organization (NETBIO) has announced a new sale day and new weaning requirements for cattle entered into the pre-conditioned calf and yearling sale.
Beginning in 2021 NETBIO board members have decided to change the sale days from the third Wednesdays to the third Fridays of the months that they hold sales. It has also been decided that all cattle entered into the sale must be weaned for 60 days instead of 45 days.
CEO Dwyatt Bell and board members Joe Don Pogue and David Fowler announced last week that these changes will start with the January 15, 2021 sale. Pogue reminds NETBIO producers that November 15, 2020 will be the last day to wean calves and December 15, 2020 will be the last boosting date for calves entered in this January sale.
“We feel these changes will be the best way for us to handle and market NETBIO producer/member cattle going forward,” Pogue said.
NETBIO was established in 1998 as a special premium stocker and feeder calf organization and sale where producers can offer their pre-conditioned cattle in truckload lots. These sales are held eight times per year at the Sulphur Springs Livestock Auction.
The organization is comprised of independent cattle producers and agri-business representatives working together to enhance the beef industry and the economy in Northeast Texas.
Today, NETBIO is recognized across the State of Texas and the Southern United States as the leader in its reputable offering of pre-conditioned cattle.
“NETBIO member-producers always have nice pre-conditioned cattle ready to sell at each of our sales,” said board member and Sulphur Springs Livestock Commission co-owner David Fowler. “We can always depend on them to bring quality cattle to the market.”