Reminder To Parents: Select Instructional Option For CPCISD Students By July 26

Como-Pickton Consolidated Independent School District parents are reminded they need to select an instructional option for their CPCISD students by July 26. Families may choose from online or face-to-face instruction for the 2020-2021 school year. Parents can select an option online by clicking on the designated link on the school website, or by clicking here. The instructional option form is also available in Spanish.

Como-Pickton CISD

As of the start of the week, almost 40 percent of CPCISD families had let the district know their preferences for their children’s learning in the coming school year, according to CPCISD Assistant Superintendent Jana Andrews.

Students will be placed in face-to-face instruction unless a completed survey is received indicating otherwise.

Parents may choose for their child to switch from face-to-face instruction to online at any time. Due to the nature of the online instruction, provided written notice with a date of change is submitted to the school.

Online learners can switch to on-campus instruction beginning in the next 6 weeks grading cycle, provided the parent notifies the school in writing at least one week before the start of the next grading cycle.

Face-To-Face On-Campus Instruction

Wondering what face-to-face on-campus instruction will entail this year? Things will be school as usual, including extracurricular activities, with COVID-19 measures which will include daily:

  • Staff self-screening for COVID-19 symptoms before reporting to work each day
  • Parents or guardians screening their children for COVID-19 symptoms each day prior to sending their child to school
  • Temperature screenings upon arrival at school
  • Hand sanitizer at building entries and in all classrooms
  • No water fountain use, but students may bring individual water bottles
  • Isolation protocols in place for students or staff displaying COVID-19 symptoms
  • No visitors on campuses without making prior arrangements; also parents may NOT enter the building during drop off/pick up or visit their child during breakfast or lunch.
  • Virtual meeting options with potential visitors when possible
  • Special additional cleaning protocols implemented

CPCISD will also follow the governor’s executive orders for requiring face masks, when it is not feasible to maintain 6feet of social distancing from others.

There are exceptions within the order. Children under 10 and any person with a medical condition or disability that prevents wearing a face mask will be exempt from the requirement.

Outside of an executive order from the governor or a requirement from the Texas Education Agency, CPCISD will not require face masks.

Students and staff will be permitted to wear face masks if they choose, even if not required.

Buses will run as usual, however, parents are encouraged to transport their child to and from school when possible to maximize social distancing, as large bus routes may not allow for the CDC’s recommended social distancing guidelines. They will be followed as much as possible.

CPCISD will be implementing he following precautions:

  • Hand sanitizer will be provided as students enter the bus.
  • Buses will be disinfected after each trip.
  • Masks are encouraged for all students when riding the school bus

Online Instruction

The online learning instruction option for 2020-2021 is designed to be a long-term educational option that will successfully guide students through a rigorous and comprehensive curriculum for the entire school year. It will be very different from the distance learning program conducted in the spring of necessity when the Governor ordered all schools closed to in-person classes for about 2 1/2 months.

Como-Pickton CISD Eagles

“All instruction will be provided online but students will need strong at home support in order to create a learning environment that is conducive to a successful education. We are working to finalize a comprehensive guidance document for families who wish to enroll their children in online learning. Below is an overview of the guidelines for families to consider,” school administrators explain on the school website.

Students will follow TEA online instruction guidelines for the 2020-2021 school year:

Daily attendance is required in accordance with approved school district calendar. In order to be counted present each day, students must engage in specified instructional activities that show adequate educational progress for the day. According to school policy, failure to do so more than 8 days in a semester could result in possible denial of semester credit, summer school attendance, repeat of the grade level or class, and a report of truancy being made to local officials.

Students must have adequate internet service and access to technology such as an iPad, Chromebook, laptop or desktop computer sufficient for online instruction. If a special hardship exists, parents/guardians should schedule an appointment with their children’s campus principals.

Instruction through online learning is designed for mastery of the TEKS; however, daily lessons will not mirror traditional face-to-face instruction, but will require more independent responsibility on the part of the student. “It is essential that students develop a daily schedule in a designated work space that allows them to engage in online learning on a consistent basis,” according to the information disseminated by CPCISD.

For students who receive accommodations or modifications, ARD, 504, and LPAC, committees may convene to make appropriate recommendations to meet the individual student needs to ensure continued growth in the general education curriculum and in individual goals and objectives.

Students who choose to participate in online learning will NOT participate in athletics or other extracurricular activities.

Some elective courses may not be offered online due to the hands-on nature of the coursework.

Grading for all online courses will follow the same grading policy as the face-to-face model. Online courses that earn high school credit will count in the GPA calculation and class rank according to the CPCISD grading policy.

Upcoming Events

Como-Pickton CISD is planning for classes to being Aug. 10 for students. Parents of returning CPCISD students are reminded to sign into the school website to register their students for 2020-21 through the “Ascender’s Parent Portal” link, found under the Menu option. Registration instructions were also mailed at the end of the school year with final report cards.

Parents may contact their child’s campus office as follows for specific guidance:

  • Elementary: (903)488-3671, Ext. 1000
  • Junior High: (903)488-3671, Ext. 2000
  • High School: (903)488-3671, Ext. 3000

New Teacher Orientation will be conducted July 30 from 7:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. The rest of the CPCISD staff will return Aug. 3-6 for development activities, with Aug. 7-8 designated as staff work days.

CPCISD will the annual Meet The Teacher event on Aug. 8. This year’s event will be a little different, however, to better observe social distancing. There will not be a Meet the Eagle this year as a safet precaution for students, staff and community members.

Families will be allowed to visit their students’ school at one of three time based on the family’s last name. Families in which there are more than one last name may select whichever of the designated times for that name is most convenient for the family.

Families whose names begin with a letter from A-J will meet their teachers from 9 to 10 a.m., last names K-R from 10 to 11 a.m. and last names S-Z from 11 a.m. to noon.

Como-Pickton CISD Meet the Teacher information

School supply lists are also available at by selecting the Menu option, then the each child’s campus.

Due to COVID-19 and the possible need for school closure, the CPCISD school board revised the 2020-2021 school calendar, extending the school day by 15 minutes. The new school hours will be 8 a.m. to 3:35 p.m. The changes will provide 18 days of flexibility should a complete school closure be required. The calendar was devised base on parent, student, staff, and community response to a calendar survey, The school calendar may be downloaded from the district website or Facebook page. egarawret

Como-Pickton CISD revised 2020-2021 calendar

School officials also welcome anyone interested in joining the CPCISD “flock” as a substitute teacher to attend a New and Returning Substitute Teacher Orientation at 1 p.m. July 30 in the Secondary Cafeteria on campus. Questions may be voiced at 903-488-8802.

Author: KSST Contributor

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