More than 50 people gathered around the courthouse steps on Celebration Plaza at lunch Wednesday in observance of a “Day of Prayer and Fasting” in Hopkins County. The prayer session was held in accord with similar prayer meetings conducted across Northeast Texas during the noon hour on Aug. 19, 2020.
Religious leaders from local churches lead the prayer, asking God for the “healing that we need in our nation in both physical coronavirus and spiritual and other ways.”
Judge Robert Newsom said historically, especially in American history over the centuries, when “people of God have been lead by their governmental leaders to humble themselves to pray and seek His face and fast, God has responded.”
“That’s what we’re counting on today. It’s not anything that any of us can do. It’s God. There is no vaccine on the horizons right now for the COVID-19. We need an intervention by God Himself. So that’s what we’re counting on today,” Newsom said, prior to reading a proclamation calling for the day of prayer and fasting. “So as I read this I want you to understand that I am very humbled to be here today, as we all are, before a mighty God, who can stop the COVID-19.”
Newsom started the proclamation citing 2 Corinthians 7:14, scripture for healing of the land. He then noted the manner in which the novel coronavirus 2019 has spread from its detection in China in December 2019 across the world, including to Hopkins County and Texas, to the point it was declared a world-wide pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11
The virus has affected the general health of people of all ages and groups, especially the elderly, at school, work, churches. It’s affected the economic stability of citizens, homes and families.
Newsom called on the “Creator of All to extend His Favor and Blessings upon the government, the schools, the economy, the health of our community, the businesses, the farmers, our children, our elderly, and all of our citizens with the prosperity, joy and peace that only God can give.”
Newsom concluded the proclamation by urging county residents to “set aside the day of August 19, 2020 as a historic day of humility, prayer, and fasting before God that, by His mercy and grace upon this county, the plague of Covid-19 be broken and that this day we, as His people, repent of our sins personally and as a community, that He might send His refreshing Holy Spirit upon us and heal our people and heal our land.”
The Way Bible Church Pastor Joel Tiemeyer, who helped promote the prayer session, cited James 5:16-18, which emphasizes the power of prayer, “as we gather together and as we unite our faith together.”
In addition to Tiemeyer and Newsom, pastors from 4 local churches and Precinct 3 Commissioner Wade Bartley were among those to offer up a prayer in humbleness for a common cause, in hope for healing through Christ. The session closed with those gathered reciting the Lord’s Prayer.