All 7 School District In Hopkins County Have Now Reported COVID-19 Cases Since School Started
The first coronavirus case has been reported at North Hopkins ISD. Until Saturday, the district was the only one in Hopkins County that had not had any confirmed COVID-19 cases. Several other school have reported additional COVID-19 cases this week as well.
District and local health officials work together as soon as they are notified to determine to who may have been in close contact with the students and employees who have tested positive for COVID-19, then notify those individuals and what if any steps they will need to take.
North Hopkins ISD

North Hopkins ISD Superintendent Darin Jolly Saturday morning, Sept. 5, in a letter to district parents and guardians announced a junior high student has been lab-confirmed to have COVID-19. The student was last reported to have been on campus on Thursday, Sept. 3.
According to Dr. Jolly, state and county officials have begun a case investigation and will contact any individuals determined to be in close contact with the infected individual. All students and staff thought to have come into close contact with the student will be directly notified as soon as possible. This would include anyone who was not wearing a mask while located less than 6 feet of the student for 15 minutes or more.
Como-Pickton CISD

Como-Pickton CISD was one of the first in the county to begin the new school year. The case counts for CPCISD are being updated daily as the district is notified of new cases and recoveries. The case count file can be accessed from the district school Facebook page or by clicking here.
On Friday, five of the nine students reported Sept. 2 to have tested positive for COVID-19 had recovered and returned to school, for a total of 6 student recoveries. However. four additional students tested positive, for a total of 8 CPCISD students who were lab-confirmed to have COVID-19 and recovering at home on Sept. 4. Overall, that’s 14 Como-Pickton student who have been confirmed to have COVID-19.
One active CPCISD staff case was also reported on Sept. 4, the only staff case reported so far for the district.
Cumby ISD

Cumby ISD also adopted a form to list case counts on the district website, to make it easy for community members to see when a student tested positive, from which campus and when the student is due back at school.
The district hasn’t reported had any new cases in the last week. As of the last update, only two high school students have tested positive so far. One was reported on Aug. 7 and was to return to school on Aug. 24. Another student was reported positive on Aug. 20 and was slated to return to school on Sept. 2.
Miller Grove ISD

On Sept. 1, Miller Grove ISD Superintendent Steve Johnson in a notice on the school website reported three students had tested positive for COVID-19 in August. One of the students was already in quarantine before their diagnosis. A second student had not been at school since exposure. The third student was at school, but did not exhibit any symptoms while present.
MGISD started the process of contacting parents of students who were believed to have been in “close contact” with the student within days of their attendance. Exposure was believed to be limited and the rest of MGISD students remained at school. District maintenance and custodial staff cleaned extensively and sanitized all areas of the campus.
Saltillo ISD

Saltillo ISD has reported two cumulative COVID-19 cases this fall. The district superintendent on Aug. 26 reported one student was lab-confirmed to have COVID-19; the student was last on the campus on Aug. 24. Others determined to be in “close contact” with the students were notified Aug. 25.
Saltillo ISD was notified on Aug. 12, that a District employee tested positive for COVID-19. The employee last worked on the Saltillo ISD campus on Aug. 6.
COVID-19 updated for Saltillo ISD can be accessed on the district website under “News” menu option.
Sulphur Bluff ISD

Sulphur Bluff ISD has received reports on four different occasions of positive COVID-19 results.
One students was reported Monday, Aug. 24 to have tested positive for the virus. That student was last on campus Friday, Aug. 21.
SBISD received notification on Aug. 26 of the positive tests for a household. Students were last present on our campus Friday, Aug. 21, and Monday morning, Aug. 24.
District officials on Sept. 1 reported receiving notification Aug. 30, of the positive tests for a student who was last present on our campus Friday, Aug. 28.
On Thursday, Sept. 3, SBISD Superintendent Dustin Carr reported district officials received notification late Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 2, of positive tests for two students. One student had been in quarantine and one was last present on our campus Monday, Aug. 31.
COVID-19 updates for SBISD are available at the bottom of the district website by clicking “Full Article” under the “Notification of confirmed cases of COVID-19 on campus” heading.
Sulphur Springs ISD

Four days after the start of the school 2020-21 school year, two campuses in Sulphur Springs ISD on Friday were reported to each have one COVID-19 case each.
A student who was lab- confirmed to have COVID-19 was reportedly present on the Bowie Primary campus on Tuesday-Thursday, Sept. 1-3. Another students who was lab-confirmed to have COVID-19 was present on the Sulphur Springs High School campus on Tuesday-Wednesday, Sept. 1-2, SSISD Assistant Superintendent Josh Williams stated in a letter sent Friday evening, Sept. 4, to “Families, Students, Teachers, and Staff” for the two campuses.
Six faculty/staff cases had previously been reported, although only one of the school employees was ever in a school building while being exposed, according to Williams.
Parents are notified through the Blackboard alert system when cases are reported for their child’s campus.