Hopkins County Sept. 18 COVID-19 Update: 5 New Cases, 4 Recoveries, 73 Active Cases

For the third straight day, Hopkins County/Sulphur Springs Emergency Management reported 5 new positive COVID-19 cases. For the first time in four days and only the fifth time so far this month, HC/SSEM also reported recoveries from COVID-19 on Sept. 18.

That brings the weekly total of new lab-confirmed COVID-19 cases to 15, and increases the monthly total to 53 and cumulative total since March to 296.

Five of the Hopkins County residents who tested positive for COVID-19 were reported Sept. 18 to have recovered. That’s 11 recoveries over the last 7 days and 27 recoveries so far this month. Cumulatively, 223 of the 296 Hopkins County residents who have tested positive for COVID-19 since March have recovered.

The number of Hopkins County residents whose antigen tests came back positive for COVID-19 double over the last week, rising from 20 positive tests during the week of Sept. 5- 3 p.m. Sept. 11 to 41 positive antigen tests this week (3 p.m. Sept. 11- 3:30 p.m. Sept. 18). These are positive antigen results performed at testing facilities within Hopkins County. These results do not count toward the daily county cases counts, which are based on molecular-PCR tests reported to the state.

For the second day in a row, HC/SSEM reported 8 patients in the COVID-19 Unit at CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital-Sulphur Springs.

Fourth-nine additional COVID-19 tests were performed at Hopkins County Civic Center on Thursday, increasing the total number of tests conducted this week to 231. The cumulative number of tests performed since the free weekly testing resumed at the Civic Center on Sept. 7 to 550.

Free COVID-19 testing will be offered again at the Civic Center from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 19. Registration for testing is conducted online at GoGetTested.com.

Texas Health and Human Services reported there continued to be two active employee cases of COVID-19 among employees of Carriage House Manor on Sept. 4. No nursing home residents in Sulphur Springs had tested positive for COVID-19 as of Sept. 4, according to the Sept. 18 HHS nursing homes report.

On Sept. 4, there were no active COVID-19 cases among either residents or employees Sulphur Springs assisted living facilities. There also were no active cases of COVID-19 among employees and students at Hopkins County child care centers on Sept. 17, according to the HHS report.

positive COVID-19 result

Author: KSST Contributor

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