Four new COVID-19 cases were reported Sept. 30, three fewer than the day before. Three additional Hopkins County residents were reported to have recovered from COVID-19 as well, Hopkins County/Sulphur Springs Emergency Management officials reported in their Sept. 30 COVID-19 update. Thus, the count increased only by one case for a total of 78 active cases in Hopkins County on Sept. 30. One less patient was reported to be in the COVID unit at CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital-Sulphur Springs, reducing the number to 15 on Sept. 30.
Overall, September was the worst month of the pandemic thus far in Hopkins County as far as new and hospital patient counts go. Overall, 118 Hopkins County residents received lab-confirmed positive novel coronavirus 2019 results in September, up from the 89 cases reported in July and 91 in August. That increases the cumulative case count since March to 361.
While 35 recoveries were reported in the last three days, there were two stretches almost a week long each in September during which no new recoveries were reported — Sept. 2-7 and Sept. 22-27. That caused the active case counts to continue to be especially high, peaking at 92 on Sept. 25. In fact, active case count matched the previous high of 73 active cases (set on July 26) on Sept. 18 and has continued to be exceed that for the last 9 days.
Overall, 87 Hopkins County residents were reported to have recovered from COVID-19 in September, increasing the cumulative recovery total from March-Sept. 30 to 283.
The number of patients in the COVID-19 unit peaked at 17 patients on Monday, but declined by 1 patient each day on Tuesday and Wednesday, according to the HC/SSEM Sept. 30 COVID-19 update. The COVID-19 unit count reached double digits for the first time since local officials began reporting that data 2 months ago, on Sept. 21 and hasn’t been lower than 10 cases since.
Thankfully, no COVID-19 deaths thus are reported to have occurred in Hopkins County in September. One death was reported on Sept. 4; the Hopkins County resident was reported to have died on Aug. 28. The state began using cause of death stated on death certificates sent to the state Vital Statistics office to determine COVID-19 deaths in July. Eight Hopkins County residents are reported to have died as a result of COVID-19 since then: 2 deaths on Aug. 17; and one death each on July 17, July 23, Aug. 2, Aug. 4 and Aug. 7 and Aug. 28. according to Texas Department of State Health Services data.
Another 44 COVID-19 tests were performed Sept. 29 at the free testing site at the County Annex Building, located behind the Tax Assessor/Collector and Justices of the Peace Offices at 128-A Jefferson St. That’s 165 tests conducted at the location since Friday afternoon. That’s at least 792 COVID-19 tests administered this month during the free testing. Sept. 30 COVID-19 testing counts won’t be reported until Oct. 1.
Free COVID-19 Testing continues to be offered from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Friday, and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday at the County Annex Building. Symptoms are not required for testing. Preregister online at Results are typically returned in 48-96 hours. Walk-ins are also welcome at the site.
Texas Health and Human Services on Sept. 30 reported that the number of COVID-19 cases at Carriage House Manor increased from 15 to 21 active employee cases and from 15 to 16 resident cases on Sept. 16. Five employees had recovered from COVID-19 on Sept. 16, one more than on Sept. 15. Only 1 Carriage House resident was reported to have recovered from COVID-19 as of Sept. 16.
No active cases were reported at Sulphur Springs assisted living facilities on Sept. 16, according to the HHS report. Sept. 16 is the most recent data available for nursing homes and assisted living facilities as these THHS reports are 2 weeks behind.
There were no active cases at Hopkins County child care centers on Sept. 29, according to the HHS Sept. 30 COVID-19 child care centers report.