The Sulphur Springs City Council Sept. 1 meeting agenda includes public hearings regarding the proposed tax rate, two zoning ordinances and a budget amendment ordinance. The agenda also includes numerous other items, including consideration of a contract for construction of the Grays Building, an emergency services mutual aide agreement between the cities of Sulphur Springs and Commerce, Sulphur Springs-Hopkins County Economic Development Corporation budget, and establishment of a commercial-industrial reinvestment zone.

The 2020-21 tax rate, as proposed, would be $0.44 per $100 property valuation for the City of Sulphur Springs. City Manager Marc Maxwell in previous council meetings has reported city officials are not proposing any increases in the city tax rate. The Council is scheduled later in the meeting to hear on first reading an ordinance setting the tax rate for the City of Sulphur Springs for fiscal year 2020-2021.
A hearing is scheduled for second and final reading of an ordinance amending the fiscal year 2019-2020 annual budget ordinance.
The 7 p.m. City Council meeting will also mark the second and final reading for proposed amendments to city zoning ordinances which would define accessory dwelling units and establish eligibility and design standards for them; and define “permanent makeup and cosmetic tattoos,” which would allow salons and beauty parlors to offer these as ancillary services in certain districts without having to seek a special use permit. The ADU ordinance amendment is designed to provide additional housing while maximizing existing city infrastructure and property within the city limits.
The meeting will be conducted by videoconferencing due to COVID-19 gathering guidelines and precautions. The meeting will available for live streaming on the City of Sulphur Springs Meetings YouTube page. A phone number will be announced for each portion of the meeting, where the public can call in and comment, including during the public hearings.

The City Council Sept. 1 meeting agenda also includes a request to contribute $31,950 in CARES Act funding to Sulphur Springs Independent School District for the purchase of iPads and hotspots.
The City Council is also scheduled to consider bids for and award a contract for construction of the Grays Building, part of the Pacific Park improvement project.
Also proposed for first reading are ordinance authorizing updated service credits and establishing a certain area as a commercial-industrial reinvestment zone.
The agenda calls for discussion and potential action on resolution for the annual review of the investment policy as required by the Public Funds Investment Act; authorizing funding for Sulphur River Basin Authority; and approving a negotiated settlement between Atmos Cities Steering Committee and Atmos Energy Corporation, Med Texas Division, regarding the company’s 2020 rate revision mechanism filing.
Other items up for discussion and potential action include items related to the asset forfeiture budget, SS-HCEDC budget, assignment of an existing Airport Ground Lease Agreement, agreement for mutual aid in emergency services between Sulphur Springs and Commerce.
The agenda also calls for an executive session to allow the City Council to discuss during closed session potential “economic development.” Following the session, the council will have the option to consider taking action on the economic development matter discussed during the closed session.