Over the last week, 16 new Sulphur Springs ISD COVID-19 cases were reported. All except 3 of the lab-confirmed novel coronavirus 2019 cases are students and staff of Sulphur Springs High School.

SSISD Administrators on Oct. 15 notified students, employees an family members at SSHS that 4 additional students and 1 additional staff member who were on the high school campus within the last week had received positive COVID-19 test results.
That’s 11 students and 2 staff members at SSHS who have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last week (Oct. 9-15), and 14 students and 6 staff members so far this month from SSHS who have tested positive for COVID-19. Since school started on Sept. 1, the district has received notifications for 32 students and 8 staff at SSHS who have tested positive for COVID-19. At least 2 sports schedules have been impacted by the SSISD COVID-19 cases, including varsity football.
Also on Oct. 15, SSISD notified parents, staff and students that a student who had been on the Sulphur Springs Middle School campus within the last week has tested positive for COVID-19. That makes 3 staff and 2 students of SSMS who have tested positive for the virus this month, and 6 staff and 4 students from the campus 4 students since school started who have received positive COVID-19 results.

Only 1 other COVID-19 case was reported for SSISD this week, a Douglass ECLC staff member on Oct. 12. Earlier in the month, four staff members at Barbara Bush Primary also tested positive for COVID-19, bringing the monthly COVID-19 case total through Oct. 15 to 21 students and 14 employees who have received positive COVID-19 results. That’s four more SSISD staff members who have tested positive so far in October than the entire month of September. That’s only 3 fewer students half way through October than during the whole month of September.
Cumulatively, that makes 40 SSISD students and 21 employees of SSISD who have received positive COVID test results since Sept. 1. These totals include only students and staff who have been on campus since school started, and that SSISD sent official notifications for.