Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Last Call for Pecans! Sr’s Fundraiser Sale Ends Wed. October 28, Delivery Nov. 2

Karon Weatherman knows there are some great cooks in Hopkins County who like to make sure they have enough pecans stored for winter baking! A few weeks ago, local resident Susan Vaughn organized the 2020 Fundraising Pecan Sale to help add to the Sr. Center’s funds for furnishings for the new building, and the deadline is nearing. Then pecans are plump, large and delicious! This is how the fundraiser works.

Let Susan Vaughn know by Wednesday October 28 the number of bags of pecan halves you’d like to order from the Green Tree Pecan Farm of Corsicana. The one pound bags of large shelled pecan halves cost $11 each. Once you have placed your order by phone or by text to Susan (903-348-7516) you will only need to wait less than a week to get your pecans. Susan plans to travel to Corsicana on the weekend of October 31 to pick up the pecans. Then she will be present at the Sulphur Springs Senior Citizens Center at 150 MLK Drive on the afternoon of Monday November 2, 2020.

You can pay by check during the afternoon on Monday November 2 when you pick up your order. Annually, Susan assists the good bakers of our community by bringing the pecans back from Corsicana farm, and donates a portion of the proceeds to the Senior Citizens Center. These bags of pecans also make great holiday gifts! Contact Karon Weatherman with any questions, 903-885-1661.

Susan Vaughan, organizer of the pecan fundraiser for the Sr’s Center

Author: Enola Gay

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