On Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2020, Sulphur Springs City Council received from City Manager Marc Maxwell the monthly manager’s report:
COVID-19 Response
The number of active cases in Hopkins County maintains a range of 30 to 90 cases and was at 74 active cases as of October 5th. The state tested 398 people in its most recent round of testing. We have had 314 recoveries in Hopkins County.
As a part of the City’s response to Covid-19 the City suspended the practice of cutting of water service for non-payment. Some of the balances are growing quite high. The total arrearage is $86,000 with 423 accounts (6.3% of all accounts) in arrears. 143 accounts are more than 90 days in arrears. I have not planned on reinstituting cut offs until after a vaccine is available. At that point we will have to decide how to bring the delinquent accounts up to a current status. I will likely propose requiring residents to pay their current bill along with 1/6th or 1/12th of their arrearage to avoid being cut off. In this way their accounts would be brought current in either 6 months or 12 months. I just wanted to put this out there so that you would have plenty of time to consider a fair and reasonable path forward.
Grays Building
The piers for the building have been poured to a depth of 18 feet. The Capital Construction Division is installing the below grade plumbing. We are extremely fortunate to have such a capable Public Works Department with Russ Nuss at its head. Among all of his other talents, Russ is also a master plumber. He and his staff are doing an excellent job on the plumbing. After the plumbing is roughed in the City’s master electrician will install the below grade conduit for electrical circuits. We are also very fortunate to have John Smith on staff as our master electrician. Once he is finished installing the below grade electrical conduits Potts Concrete Construction will finish constructing the concrete foundation.
Senior Citizens Building
Construction drawings are being prepared by REES Associates. We are planning to hire Don Roundtree to manage the construction under the same arrangement that we have on the Grays Building.
Bellview Street
Atmos is finally finished replacing the gas line. We will rebuild the intersection with Texas Street next.
McCann Street
The sewer main and water main have both been replaced. We will now begin replacing curb and gutter, and then the street will be repaved at the same time as Bellview Street.
We had two minor workers compensation claims in the Police Department in September and one liability claim from a motorist who drove through a pothole on an Atmos trench line on Kyle Street. We also submitted our own property claim for damage to a new police cruiser caused by an officer backing into an I-beam.
Revenues and Expenditures
Finance Director Lesa Smith will present a year-end report of revenues and expenditures.
Elsewhere around the city, employees:
- Treated wastewater to a monthly average total suspended solids count of .20 mg/L.
- Repaired 22 water main leaks/ruptures.
- Replaced 9 water meters.
- Unstopped 31 sewer mains.
- Washed 80,000 feet of sewer mains.
- Flushed 36 dead end water mains.
- Treated 161 million gallons of potable water.
- Conducted 35 building inspections, 13 electrical inspections, 17 plumbing inspections, 1 mechanical inspection, and issued 21 building permits.
- Responded to 208 calls for fire/rescue including 4 structure fires.
- Performed preventative maintenance on 81 fire hydrants.
- Conducted 11 fire inspections and reviewed associated pre-fire plans.
- Responded to 197 calls for animal control, achieving a 72% adoption rate.
- Made 37 arrests, wrote 552 citations, recorded 59 offenses and responded to 22 accidents in the Patrol Division.
- Made 13 felony arrests in the Special Crimes Unit.
- Made 19 major street repairs following utility repairs.
- Repaired 103 potholes.
- Poured a concrete slab for additional storage at the animal shelter.
- Line-trimmed South Town Branch.
- Checked out 2,794 items from the Municipal Library.
- Sold 1,764 gallons of AvGas and 7,900 gallons of JetA fuel.
- Boom shredded upper and lower lakes at Coleman Park.
- Prepared soccer fields and baseball/softball fields for youth play.