Approximately 100 indictments were signed during the November 2020 Grand Jury session, pushing those cases forward for prosecution.
Named in the indictments are more than 70 defendants, including 11 individuals accused of two offenses and five alleged to have committed multiple offenses. In some charges, more than one defendant was named for alleged involvement in offenses.
Charges ranged from aggravated robbery, sexual assault, trafficking of a child to engage in sexual conduct, felony assaults, child endangerment or abandonment to theft of firearms, credit or debit card abuse, unauthorized use of a vehicle, evading arrest with a vehicle, money laundering and forgery. More than half of the offenses were for drug, alcohol and related charges.

(HCSO jail photo)
Romany Michael Ruble was indicted on a trafficking of a child to engage in sexual conduct charge and three theft of firearm charges. The 43-year-old Sulphur Springs woman also known as Romany Cathey has remained in Hopkins County jail since her arrest Aug. 9 on the warrants. Her bonds total $165,000, according to jail reports.
She was accused one week before her arrest of transporting a runaway she had a prior acquaintance with from West Texas to her Saltillo residence, where she sexually abused him. The youth reportedly escaped. Law enforcement was contacted. Ruble was arrested on a trafficking of a person charge, sheriff’s investigators reported following Ruble’s arrest in August.
On Aug. 19, Ruble was served at the jail with three warrants accusing her of theft of three firearms. She was accused of stealing the guns from her father on Aug. 3-4, then pawning them, sheriff’s investigators reported following Ruble’s arrest.

(HCSO jail photo)
Jose Jaun Eduardo Santana was indicted during the November 2020 Grand Jury session on three sexual assault charges. The 31-year-old Sulphur Springs man was arrested July 23 on all three charges. He was released from Hopkins County jail on July 25. Bond on the charges totaled $150,000, $50,000 per charge, according to jail reports.
Trondamion Andrezhel Cleveland, 28, and Joseph Rashad Washington, 27, were indicted for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. The pair was accused of the “brutal assault” of a man around 12:30 p.m. Aug. 18, in the 700 block of Freeman Street. The victim was grabbed, pushed into an apartment, assaulted, then left injured, police alleged following the incident. The victim reportedly sustained blunt force trauma to the head, resulting in approximately 20 stitches, and a deep knife wound on the leg resulting in approximately 30 more stitches, according to Sulphur Springs Police Det. Sgt. Jason Reneau.
Both were arrested Aug. 26 on an aggravated assault warrant each in connection with the Aug. 18 incident. Both remained in Hopkins County jail Nov. 20. Bond was set at $50,000 each on the charge, according to jail reports.

Ronald David Bailey, 30, of Sulphur Springs was indicted for assault on a public servant. Bailey was accused on Halloween of striking a corrections officer during altercation still in custody at the county jail on an April murder charge, according to arrest and jail reports. He remained in jail Nov. 20. Bond on the assault charge was set at $25,000, according to jail reports.

(HCSO jail photo)
James Andrew Gregory was indicted for assault of a family or household member that impedes breathing or circulation, assault of a pregnant person, violation of bond/protective order two times within 12 months and possession of less than 1 gram of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance.
Gregory as arrested twice this year, once on June 25 on the controlled substance charge as well as a resisting arrest charge. Deputies reported finding 28-year-old Canton man, unclothed, unwrapping a rope like object from around his neck, in a pasture just before 3 a.m. June 25. “Several blue rubber handle like objects, a container he advised was lotion” and the man’s vehicle keys resting rested on a clear plastic baggie containing a crystal like substance the deputy believed to be methamphetamine under a tree near the man. After putting on his pants, Gregory allegedly became argumentative and exhibited behavior that lead the deputy to believe he was highly intoxicated on meth, the deputy alleged in arrest reports. When he attempted to run from deputies, the officer deployed their Tasers, striking Gregory, who allegedly was placed on the ground, but continued to resist officers.
Late Aug. 11, deputies located Gregory in a business, where he’d rented a room and took him into custody on warrants for assault of a pregnant person and assault impeding breathing. He was served with an additional warrant Aug. 13 for violation of bond or protective order by contacting the victim in the two assault cases, after being warned by the justice of the peace and signing an acknowledgement that he understood he was not to contact her, as terms of his bond earlier in the summer, officers alleged following Gregory’s arrest in August.
Gregory remained in Hopkins County jail Nov. 20, 2020, on the charge.

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Robert Earl Hawkins Jr. was indicted for assault of a family or household member with previous conviction and possession of less than 1 gram of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance in a drug-free zone. He was jailed on a controlled substance charge on Jan. 6, 2020, and on an assault charge on Aug. 26, 2020.
Also indicted for a assault of a family or household member that impeded breathing or circulation were 42-year-old Mathew James Conley of Sulphur Springs, 55-year-old John Diego Fernandes of Saltillo and Loren Lance Horner.
Conley was accused Sept. 6 of choking a female at a Sulphur Springs residence, police alleged in reports at the time of his arrest. He has remained in Hopkins County jail since his arrest on the charge, in lieu of a $20,000 bond, according to jail reports.
Fernandes was accused of choking his ex-wife during an argument at his U.S. Highway 67 residence on Sept. 30. Deputies were told the man became enraged during an argument with his 43-year-old ex-wife, grabbed her shirt and threw her to the ground. While on the ground, Fernandes allegedly grabbed the woman by the neck, causing her to lose consciousness and struck her multiple times on the side of her head. The woman had red marks on her throat area, deputies noted in arrest reports.
Horner was arrested on a warrant for the assault charge on Aug. 28 and released on $30,000 bond on Aug. 29. The offense, according to arrest reports, occurred on August 20, 2020.
Among those indicted for aggravated assault of a date, family or household member with a weapon were Uber Garcia and Calvin Roy Helton III.
Garcia, 25, of Sulphur Springs was accused of allegedly assaulted a woman during a rolling disturbance that started at the Sonic in Winnsboro and continued into Hopkins County late Saturday night, July 18. Afterward, the woman reportedly sought medical attention at the emergency room in Winnsboro, while the man sought a mental health evaluation, according to arrest reports.
Uber Garcia allegedly admitted to striking the woman repeatedly with a fist, deputies alleged in arrest reports. He allegedly admitted to becoming enraged and striking the victim with his fist repeatedly, but did not recall pulling out a pistol and striking the woman in the head with it. He reported helping the victim take a shower to clean up the blood on her from the assault upon returning to their Sulphur Springs residence, deputies alleged in arrest reports. Garcia was taken into custody just before 8 a.m. July 19 on the assault charge, according to arrest reports. He was released from jail on Jul 21 on a $50,000 bond on the aggravated assault charge.
Helton was arrested Sept. 1 at his Saltillo residence on a warrant for the charge. The offense, according to arrest reports, occurred on August 28 at a County Road 3432 residence. He remained in Hopkins County jail Nov. 20 in lieu of a $100,000 bond on the felony aggravated assault charge, according to jail reports.

Colby Garrett Good was indicted for burglary of a habitation, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, evading arrest or detention with a vehicle and unauthorized use of a vehicle.
The 29-year-old Marlin Falls man was accused of evading deputies who attempted to stop him on Jefferson Street at the overpass just after 3 a.m. Sept. 5, by traveling the wrong direction first on Shannon Road, then on Interstate 30, into oncoming traffic. Police received reports the car was spotted headed south on State Highway 154 south. About 3:25 a.m., officials were alerted a man had broken into a residence, demanded keys to a vehicle, then fled in it on FM 2297. He reportedly turned onto State Highway 154 south into Wood County, with a deputy pursuing the car. The vehicle went off the road, into a pasture, then into a pond near Quitman. The man then allegedly tried to run from officers. They deployed Tasers and took Good into custody, then transported him to a Quitman hospital to be checked out.
At 3:45 a.m. Sept. 5, officials learned a 29-year-old woman and her 30-week old infant were in the first vehicle the man was accused of driving. The car and passengers were abandoned on FM 2297, where the car was crashed into a fence near the residence Good was accused of breaking into.
Good was transported to Hopkins County jail, where he was booked on four local charges and four warrants, including a McLennan County surety off bond on injury to a child charge, a surety off bond on an assault impeding breathing charge and a Kaufman County aggravated assault charge, according to jail reports. His bond was set at $140,000, according to jail reports.

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Lucas Wayne Williams was indicted for aggravated robbery. The 28-year-old Sulphur Springs man was arrested Aug. 2 on a warrant for the charge. The charge stems from a July 3 incident on Van Sickle Street. Williams allegedly displayed a knife while involved in an altercation with a male family member who is hearing paired. The male family member allegedly sustained a small laceration on the arm during the disturbance. Williams also allegedly struck the other man in the head and took money from him. The family member reportedly fled the residence to get away from Williams, police alleged in August 2020 offense reports. Williams was released from Hopkins County jail Aug. 4 on a $50,000 bond on the aggravated robbery charge, according to jail reports.

(HCSO jail photo)
Joseph Wayne Owens was indicted on two aggravated assault with a deadly weapon charges. The 22-year-old Sulphur Springs man was accused of ramming his 2001 Dodge 3500 dually extended cab pickup into the driver’s side front bumper of another motorist’s truck on or near County Road 4770. Then, he allegedly backed up his truck, and rammed it into the other truck a second time, causing damage to the front of the other truck and making the two occupants of the other pickup fear for their lives, deputies noted in arrest reports. The offense is alleged to have occurred on Aug. 18. Owens, who is also known by JoJo, was released from Hopkins County jail Aug. 19, on a $35,000 bond per charge, according to jail reports.

James Earl Galloway was indicted during the November 2020 Grand Jury session on possession of less than 1 gram of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance in a drug-free zone and abandoning or endangering of a child-criminal negligence charges.
On May 23, police responded to a complaint that kids could smell a strong marijuana odor coming from an Atkins Street apartment, where Galloway was located, officers noted in arrest reports. The 25-year-old allegedly admitted to police that he had a marijuana joint in the apartment and retrieved it. A records check showed outstanding traffic warrants. He was arrested. A rock found in Galloway’s pocket upon arrival at the jail field-tested positive for crack cocaine, resulting in the controlled substance charge, officers alleged in arrest reports. He was released from jail on May 24 on a $10,000 bond on the controlled substance charge.
Galloway was booked into and release from jail July 31 on a $20,000 bond on a child abandonment/endangerment-criminal negligence warrant, according to jail reports.
Also indicted for child abandonment or endangerment/criminal negligence were Katelynn Brooke Jones and Gabrielle Lee Marie Morey.
Jones was arrested in Delta County and transferred Aug. 13 to Hopkins County jail, where she was booked on a warrant for the child endangerment/abandonment charge. The 24-year-old Cooper woman was released from Hopkins County jail Aug. 19 on a $20,000 bond, according to jail reports. The offense, deputies noted in arrest reports, was alleged to have occurred on June 23.
Morey was arrested Aug. 12 at her rural residence on a warrant for child abandonment/endangerment-criminal negligence, according to arrest reports. The 21-year-old Brashear woman was released from Hopkins County jail Aug. 14, 2020 on a $20,00 bond on the charge, according to jail reports.
Among the individuals indicted for evading arrest or detention with a vehicle were Charles Creal and Reginald Dewayne Shackelford.
Creal was transferred from Bowie County jail to Hopkins County jail July 16 on the warrant. The offense was alleged to have occurred on July 7, 2020. The 39-year-old Flippin, Arkansas remained in Hopkins County jail until July 18; his bond was set at $30,000 on the evading arrest charge, according to jail reports.
Reginald Dewayne Shackelford was arrested Aug. 26 and booked into Hopkins County jail Aug. 27. The 54-year-old Arlington man was alleged to have been holding an open alcoholic beverage container when deputies stopped to check on him, as he was stopped on the shoulder of I-30. He handed the deputy the beverage and and took off in his vehicle, deputies noted in arrest reports. Deputies reported pursuing the man along I-30 a short distance east to the county line, where he was taken into custody, officers alleged in August arrest reports. He remained in Hopkins County jail Nov. 20, 2020 in lieu of a $10,000 bond on the evading arrest charge and a $5,000 bond on a second offense DWI with open container charge, according to jail reports.
Indicted for unauthorized use of a vehicle were Jason T. Boyett, Jeremy Brannon Conley, Terrance Patrick Parkman Jr., Matthew Roy Person, Cole William Peterson, Tiera Simone Puckett, Johnnie Roper Sargent and Adam Black Smith.
Jason Todd Boyette was jailed Aug. 1 on the UUV charge and released on Aug. 2 on a $5,000 bond, according to jail reports. The 44-year-old Texarkana, Arkansas man was stopped at mile marker 110 by Cumby police in a Kia that’d been reported stolen.
Jeremy Brannon Conley was reportedly arrested June 16 on Fuller Street in Chevrolet Tahoe that’d been reported to Palestine authorities as stolen. The 38-year-old Montalba man remained in Hopkins County jail until June 20. Bond on the charge was set at $5,000, according to jail reports.
Terrance Patrick Parkman Jr. was arrested Aug. 5 on I-30 in an Acura that’d been reported to Euless Police as stolen. The 22-year-old was released from Hopkins County jail later Aug. 5 on a $5,000 bond on the charge, according to jail reports.
Matthew Roy Person was arrested May 2 in a vehicle that’d been reported to Dallas police as stolen. The 52-year-old Illinois man allegedly gave conflicting accounts of how he came into possession of the vehicle and could not provide any rental paperwork associated with the vehicle, troopers alleged in arrest reports. He was released from Hopkins County jail May 3 on a $5,000 bond on the UUV charge.
Cole William Peterson was jailed Aug. 3 after a traffic stop revealed a UUV warrant for the 20-year-old Cumby man’s arrest, officer noted in arrest reports. The offense was alleged in arrest reports to have occurred on July 8, officers alleged in arrest reports. He was released from Hopkins County jail on a $5,000 bond on the UUV charge on Aug. 5, 2020, according to jail reports.
Tiera Simone Puckett was reportedly stopped Aug. 14 in Sulphur Springs in a Dodge Avenger that was reported to have been stolen between 1:30 and 10 p.m. Aug. 13 from an Elm Street address. She was jailed early Aug. 15 on the UUV charge. The 21-year-old Sulphur Springs woman was released from jail later that day on a $5,000 bond on the UUV charge, according to jail reports.
Johnnie Roper Sargent was arrested July 30 on Interstate 30, after being stopped in a Hyundai Santa Fe that had been reported stolen from Longview, according to arrest reports. The 51-year-old White Oak man was released from Hopkins County jail Aug. 3, 2020, on a $5,000 bond, according to jail reports.
Adam Blake Smith was arrested July 1 after allegedly parking a vehicle that had just been reported stolen from a Gilmer Street gas station about 8 blocks down the road in a home improvement business parking lot and into two businesses. The 29-year-old Hot Springs, Arkansas man was released from the county jail on July 4, 2020 on a $20,000 bond on the UUV charge, according to jail reports.
Tavris Deandre Floyd was indicted on money laundering and theft of a firearm charges. The 25-year-old Tennessee man was arrested Aug. 6 after being found in possession of bundled containing more than $60,000 as well as a handgun that a records check showed to be stolen during a traffic stop. Floyd was released from Hopkins County jail Aug. 7, 2020, on a $25,000 bond on the money laundering charge and a $5,000 bond on the theft of firearm charge, according to jail reports.
Also indicted for theft of a firearm were Jaylin Lashae Forrest, on one charge and 36-year-old William Wade Crist of Sulphur Springs, on two charges. Crist was arrested Aug. 22 on two theft of firearm charges; the offense was alleged to have occurred on Aug. 21.
Jose Manuel Galvan Jr., Jerome Sherrod Gibson, Kayla Nicole Williams were indicted for unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon.
Galvan, 27, was arrested Sept. 3 on the charge remained in Hopkins County jail Nov. 20 in lieu of $5,000 bond on the charge. Gibson, 35, was arrested July 31 and released Aug. 1 on a $10,000 bond. Williams, 41, was arrested Oct. 28 and released Oct. 29 on a $10,000 bond.
Among the individuals indicted during the November 2020 Grand Jury session for forgery of a financial instrument were 29-year-old Jose Ismael Cuevas, 37-year-old Cameron Clay Fountain and 21-year-old Christopher Lee Skeen Jr.
Cuevas and Fountain were both arrested July 7 and released July 9. Skeen was arrested June 25. Bond for all three was set at $5,000 bond, according to jail reports.
Indicted for tampering with or fabricating physical evidence was Wendell Frank Johnson Jr.