Hopkins County-Sulphur Springs Emergency Management officials in their Nov. 17 COVID-19 update reported 8 additional Hopkins County residents had received lab-confirmed positive molecular COVID-19 results.
HC/SSEM Nov. 17 COVID-19 Update
That increases the cumulative case count since to 766 Hopkins County residents who have tested positive for COVID-19 since March, according to the Nov. 17 COVID-19 update.
Since there have been no recoveries reported in the last days, the cumulative total remains 622 and the active COVID-19 count has also continued to increase rising from 107 on Nov. 9 to 144 on Nov. 17, the same as on Oct. 30-Nov. 1. It also means the total number of new COVID-19 cases this month as of Tuesday exactly matched the number of recoveries.
While recoveries were reported on only 3 days so far this month, they were significant: 19 recoveries on Nov. 2, 21 on Nov. 6 and 42 on Nov. 9. That’s a dozen more recoveries and 21 fewer new cases during the first 17 days of November than HC/SSEM reported for Oct. 1-17
The patient count in the CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital-Sulphur Springs decreased on from 17 on Nov. 16 to 15 on Nov. 17, the same as Nov. 6, Nov. 12 and Nov. 13.
HC/SSEM, in the Nov. 17 COVID-19 update, also reported 105 COVID-19 tests were performed at 128-A Jefferson Street on Nov. 16. That’s 1,164 people who have been tested so far this month and 3,557 who have been tested since the site opened on Sept. 25.
Free molecular testing will continue to be offered from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays-Fridays and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays in November. Register online at www.GoGetTested.com for the oral swab test.
DSHS COVID-19 Reports
Texas Department of State Health Services on Nov. 17 reported that Trauma Service Area F, in which Sulphur Springs and CMFHSS are located, had a total of 11 available ICU beds, 364 available hospital beds and 4 ventilators. Out of the 273,329 people living in the TSA F, there were 139 lab-confirmed COVID-19 patients in the hospital and 602 total hospitalizations.
Texas Department of State Health Services shows 48 COVID-19 fatalities for Hopkins County. That makes 4 days with no new COVID-19 deaths announced for Hopkins County. These numbers could rise as death certificates are turned in and processed by the state.
Trauma Service Area: F (Nov. 17, 2020) Counts Population Estimate 2020 273,329 Total Staffed Hospital Beds 1,057 Available Hospital Beds 364 Available ICU Beds 11 Available Ventilators 75 Lab-Confirmed COVID-19 Patients in Hospital 139 Total Hospitalizations 602 Total Staffed Inpatient Beds 966
HSS COVID-19 Reports
The Nov. 17 Texas Health and Human Services nursing facility report, however, showed one additional resident COVID-19 death at Sunny Springs Nursing & Rehab on Nov. 3, the latest data available from Texas Health and Human Services on Nov. 17. So far, the only COVID-19 death DSHS has reported was on Nov. 5.
The Nov. 17 HHS nursing facility report also showed eight less active resident COVID-19 cases among Sulphur Springs nursing facilities at Sulphur Springs Health and Rehabilitation.
That leaves 13 active resident cases at Sulphur Springs Health and Rehab and one resident case at at Rock Creek Health and Rehab.
Anneke’s Preschool reported one student enrolled at the facility had tested positive for COVID-19 on Nov. 16, according to the Nov. 17 HHS report for license child are centers, school-age programs, and before and -after