Texas Department of State Health Services at 2:25 p.m. Nov. 21 announced the 51st COVID-19 fatality for Hopkins County and the first COVID-19 death for Delta County.
That makes three fatalities announced this week and four that have been confirmed with COVID-19 as cause on death certificates for Hopkins County. The latest death is reported to have occurred on Nov. 10. Hopkins County residents are also reported to have occurred on Nov. 1, Nov. 5 and Nov. 13.
There were 28 COVID-19 deaths in October, 11 in September, 6 in August and 2 in July.
That’s a 6.55 percent fatality rate among Hopkins County residents who have tested positive for COVID-19 since March, and 0.14 percent of the overall population in Hopkins County who have died from COVID-19.
Hopkins County continues to surpass all surrounding counties except Hunt and Lamar counties, in the number of COVID-19 deaths. Hopkins County has even had more COVID-19 fatalities than Wood County, which like Hunt and Lamar also has a larger population and higher cumulative case counts, according to DSHS reports.
In Hunt County, 2,601 of the county’s estimated 98,600 population have tested positive for COVID-19, and 56 of those died, giving the Hunt a 2.15 percent fatality among residents who have tested positive for the virus.
As of Nov. 21, 2,385 of Lamar County’s 49,859 residents (4.76 percent) had tested positive for COVID-19 since March; 56 of the infected residents have died (2.77 percent).
Even Wood County, which has 45,539 residents to Hopkins County’s estimated 37,100 residents, has had fewer COVID-19 deaths; 48 of the 853 Wood County residents who have tested positive since March have died. That’s a fatality rate among infected of 5.63 percent.
While Titus County has had more than twice as many COVID-19 positives as Hopkins County, 1,746 of the estimated 32,750 population (5.33 percent), there have only been 40 COVID-19 deaths, giving Titus a 2.29 percent fatality rate among positive cases.
The only county with a higher fatality rate among COVID-19 positive individuals than Hopkins County is Red River. Eighteen people of the 218 residents (1.81 percent) who have tested positive have died. That’s a 8.26 percent fatality rate among COVID-19 positive Red River County residents.
A fatality had been reported for Delta County on Saturday as well, the only COVID-19 fatality so far. That’s 1 death out of 46 cumulative cases in a county with a population a little over 5,300. That’s a positivity rate of 0.86 among all residents and a fatality rate of 2.17 percent among COVID-19 positive residents.
Franklin County has had 249 positive cases since March, 2.32 percent of the overall population. Of the 249, 10 have died from COVID-19 (4.02 percent).
Rains County’s fatality rate among the 152 positive cases is 5.26 percent (8 deaths). The positivity rate county-wide is 1.21 percent.