Texas Department of State Health Services announced one additional COVID-19 fatality and seven new case in the Wednesday, Nov. 25, COVID-19 update.
COVID-19 Case Counts
That’s 24 new cases over the last week and 112 new cases so far this month. The DSHS COVID-19 dashboard also for the third consecutive day showed no new recoveries for Hopkins County, so the monthly total remains 82 and the cumulative total 691.
That increases the active COVID-19 case count among Hopkins County residents to 64, according to the DSHS COVID-19 dashboard and active case counts report. That gives Hopkins County an overall positivity rate of 2.18 percent
In the eight counties immediately surrounding Hopkins, four counties were reported to have more cumulative COVID-19 cases on the DSHS Nov. 25 COVID-19 update.
In Titus County, 1,774 of the estimated 32, 750 residents had tested positive for the virus as of Nov. 25, giving the county a positivity rate for the entire population of 5.42 percent — the highest in the area.
Hunt County, which boasts and estimated population of 98,594, was reported on Nov. 25 to have had 2,658 residents test positive for COVID-19 since March. That gives the county a positivity rate of 2.7 percent.
In Lamar County, 2,628 of the 49,859 population had tested positive for COIVD-19 since March. That give the county an overall positivity rate of 2.7 5.27 percent.
Wood County has had 886 of the 45,540 residents test positive for COVID-19 since March, giving the county a 1.95 percent positivity rate.
Although Delta County has only had 47 residents test positive for COVID-19 since March, the county’s positivity rate is higher than Hopkins County’s 2.18 percent because Delta County’s population is about one-seventh of that of Hopkins County. Delta has and estimated population of 5,330 compared to Hopkins County’s estimated 37,080, Thus, Delta County’s overall cumulative positivity rate is 4.15 percent.

COVID-19 Fatality Report
The DSHS Nov. 25 COVID-19 update also 52 Hopkins County residents have died from COVID-19. That’s one more than was reported the 4 previous days. The latest death was reported to have occurred on Nov. 4, a day in which the active case count was reported to be 149, including three new cases. That makes 5 Hopkins County residents confirmed to have died this month from the virus, according to DSHS reports.
Hopkins County residents were also reported to have died on Nov. 1, when the active case count was 144; Nov. 5 when the active case count was 152, including three new cases; Nov. 10 when the active case count was 115, including eight new cases; and Nov. 13, when 129 active case were reported, including four new cases.
COVID-19 fatality data, as of July 27, is based on death certificates. A fatality is counted as a COVID-19 fatality when the medical certifier attests on the death certificate that COVID-19 is a cause of death, according to DSHS.
Only two of the three counties with larger populations than Hopkins County have had more COVID-19 fatalities, but only 2 counties had higher fatality percentages among COVID-19 positive residents than Hopkins County’s 6.44 percent.
In Hunt County, 57 of the 2,658 residents who have tested COVID-19 positive since March (2.14 percent) have died from the virus. In Lamar County 67 of the 2,628 COVID-19 positive residents (2.55 percent) have died from novel coronavirus 2019.
Wood County has had 886 positive cases, including 48 who died, for a fatality rate of 5.42 percent among infected.
Ten COVID-19 deaths have been reported for Franklin County, that’s 21.28 percent of the 247 positive cases.
In Red River County, 48 of the 886 residents who have tested positive for COVID-19 have died from the virus. That’s 8.14 percent.
Of the 47 positive cases since March, there has only been 1 COVID death in Delta County. That’s a 0.45 percent fatality rate among infected.
In Rains County, 160 of the county’s estimated 12, 515 residents (1.28 percent) have tested positive for COVID-19 since March, including 8 COVID-19 fatalities. That’s a fatality rate of 5 percent among residents who have tested positive for COVID-19.
Hospital Reports
Hopkins County/Sulphur Springs Emergency Management officials did not provide a data for patient counts in the COVID unit at CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital-Sulphur Springs nor a daily total for the Jefferson Street testing site. The free molecular testing site is scheduled to be open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. through Nov. 27 at the Red Cross/Old Fidelity Express building, 128-A Jefferson St. in Sulphur Springs, according to information disseminated by DSHS on Nov. 24. Register online at www.GoGetTested.com
The DSHS Nov. 25 COVID-19 update showed COVID-19 hospitalizations throughout Trauma Service Area F to 14.68 percent on Nov. 25, up from 13.64 percent on Nov. 23 and 14.71 percent on Nov. 24.
There were 951 staffed in patient bed and 153 lab-confirmed COVID-19 patients in hospitals in Trauma Service Area F (which includes Hopkins County).That’s 12 fewer staffed inpatient beds and two fewer lab-confirmed COVID-19 patients in hospital on Nov. 25 than on Nov. 24, according to the DSHS regional hospital report on the Nov. 25 COVID-19 update.
Eight ICU beds, 79 ventilators and 345 hospital beds were available in Area F hospitals on Nov. 25. That’s down from 373 hospital beds, 16 ICU beds and 180 ventilators available on Nov. 24, according to DSHS reports.