Hopkins County/Sulphur Springs Emergency Management officials in the Nov. 3 COVID-19 update reported 5 additional Hopkins County residents had tested positive for COVID-19 on on Tuesday. Texas Department of State Health Services on Nov. 3 reported 5 additional COVID-19 fatalities for Hopkins County, while Texas Health and Human Services’ Nov. 3 reports show a total of 25 residents of Sulphur Springs nursing homes had died as of Oct. 20.
HC/SSEM Nov. 3 COVID-19 Update

The four new positive COVID-19 cases reported Tuesday increased the active case count for Hopkins County from 141 to 146.
After reports of 132 recoveries during the last 3 three COVID-19 updates, HC/SSEM reported there were no additional recoveries Nov. 3. That means while the cumulative recovery count for Hopkins County continued to be 559 on Election Day, the cumulative case count since March increased to 705 on Nov. 3.
The number of patients in the COVID-19 Unit at CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital Sulphur Springs had declined by 2 to 14 patients on Nov. 3, the same as on Oct. 30 and Sept. 21.

Testing at the Jefferson Street site increased for the second day in a row, with 90 tests performed on Saturday and 125 percent performed on Monday. Overall, that’s 2,518 tests that have been performed at 128-A Jefferson Street since the COVID-19 testing site opened on Sept. 25, according to the Nov. 3 COVID-19 update.
The Jefferson Street COVID testing site is scheduled to remain open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. each Monday-Friday and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each Saturday during November. To book a test, go online to GoGetTested.com, select “Red Cross/old Fidelity Express — Texas Emergency Management building at 128-A Jefferson St. in Sulphur Springs” or other desired location, then, Click Book Now, and follow the prompts.
DSHS Fatality Reports
Texas Department of State Health Services on Nov. 3 reported the COVID-19 fatality count had increased to 41. That’s 5 additional Hopkins County residents whose death certificates show COVID-19 as the cause of death.
Four of latest fatalities were all reported to have occurred in October, and the fifth on Sept. 30. That makes 14 Hopkins County COVID-19 fatalities announced by DSHS in the last 7 days, a total of 22 in October and 41 since July. Deaths reported to have occurred last month include: 3 each on Oct. 5 and Oct. 18; 2 each on Oct. 9 and 26; and one death each on Oct. 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 29.
Ten COVID-19 fatalities were also reported in September. Three Hopkins County residents died on Sept. 30; 2 on Sept. 22; and one each on Sept. 20, 24, 25, 26, 28 and 29.
Six Hopkins County residents died from COVID-19 in August: 2 on Aug. 17; and 1 each on Aug. 2, 4, 7 and 28. In July, the first month the state began using death certificates to assign COVID-19 fatalities to counties, 2 COVID-19 deaths were assigned to Hopkins County: 1 each on July 17 and July 23. Hopkins County had no official COVID-19 deaths prior to July.
Both Hopkins and Wood Counties had 41 COVID-19 fatalities on Tuesday. Wood County, which had an estimated population of 45,539 in 2019, was reported by DSHS to have had a cumulative total of 672 cases, while Hopkins County, which was estimated in 2019 to have a population of 37,084, was reported by HC/SSEM at 2:30 p.m. Nov. 3 to have a cumulative case count of 705 since March.
That puts Hopkins County ahead of Titus County, which has an estimated population of 32,750, as far as COVID-19 fatalities on Tuesday. Thirty-six of the 1,621 Titus County residents reported at 4:10 p.m. to have tested positive for the virus had died from COVID-19.
Nearby Lamar and Lamar Counties not only have more residents but also significantly more residents test positive for COVID-19. Both, however, have only had a few more COVDI-19 deaths than Hopkins County. In Lamar County 1,953 of the 49,859 residents have tested positive for the virus, including 49 residents who died from the virus. A total 2,095 of Hunt County’s population of have tested positive for COVID-19, including 48 who died from the virus, according to the Nov. 3 DSHS reports.
Nearby Delta County has had only 38 of the county’s 5,331 residents who have tested positive for COVID-19, with 5 active cases and 33 recoveries. Cumulatively, 226 of Franklin County’s 10,725 residents have tested positive for the virus since March, including 7 who died from COVID-19, according to DSHS.
HHS Reports
Texas Health and Human Services reported only 2 active employee cases of COVID-19 at Carriage House Manor on Oct. 20, which as 2 less than on Oct. 19. The facility reported 3 active resident cases and 1 additional resident recovery on Oct. 20.
Sunny Springs Health & Rehab reported 3 fewer active employee COVID-19 cases and 1 less resident COVID-19 case, unfortunately, instead of a recovery, the facility reported a resident COVID-19 death on Oct. 20. That makes 25 residents of Sulphur Springs nursing facilities reported to have died from COVID-19 since March, according to HHS reports.
Rock Creek reported there continued to be 1 active employee case the first positive resident COVID-19 case on Oct. 20, according to the Nov. 3 HHS nursing facility report.
Sulphur Springs Health and rehab continued to have 3 active employee cases but only 1 active resident COVID-19 case on Oct. 20, 5 fewer than HHS reported for Oct. 19, according to the Nov. 3 HHS report.
Wesley House continued to have one active resident COVID-19 case on Oct. 20, according to the Nov. 3 HHS assisted living facility report.