2 Targeted Improvement Plans, Financial Audit, Sick Leave Policy On Sulphur Springs ISD Dec. 14 Agenda

Targeted Improvement Plans for Lamar and Travis Primary, the annual financial audit and extension of the sick leave policy are all topics to be discusses and considered during Monday’s Sulphur Springs ISD Board of Trustees meeting, scheduled to be conducted at noon rather than 6 p.m. as is tradition so as not to conflict with any other potential holiday programs and schedules.

SSISD logo

Two public hearings will be conducted, one for anyone who wishes to address the board regarding a request for the agreement granting a tax incentive for Hopkins Energy LLC and another regarding SSISD’s state issued financial accountability rating for the 2019-2020 school year.

SSISD trustees in January granted an appraised value limitation for the planned $95.5 million Dike solar farm. Shelly Leung with of Powell, Youngblood & Taylor is scheduled later in the school board meeting to discuss the matter with district trustees. Then, the board will be asked to consider approving an amendment to the agreement with Hopkins Energy LLC.

At least two items on the agenda focus on evaluations of the district’s financial health. SSISD Business Manager Sherry McGraw is slated to conduct a public meeting to present and allow time for any discussion or questions regarding the district’s annual financial accountability rating for 2019-2020. Later in the meeting, Mike Taylor with Rutherford, Taylor and Company PC will present for board consideration his firm’s annual financial audit and compliance report of district finances for the fiscal year which began Sept. 1, 2019 and ended Aug. 31, 2020.

During the portion of the special noon meeting designated for administrative reports, Assistant Superintendent Kristin Monk is scheduled to present Targeted Improvement Plans for Lamar and Travis Primary campuses. Both will be submitted later in the meeting to trustees to consider as an action item.

Superintendent Mike Lamb is slated to present data regarding virtual learning during the first 9-week grading period.

Josh Williams, assistant superintendent, is scheduled to present for board consideration a resolution which would amend the school policy to extend sick leave for employees during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Trustees then will have the option to enter into an executive session to discuss any personnel matters presented since the last board meeting. Any item requiring a vote would be pushed forward from the closed session and voted on during open session.

The SSISD Dec. 14 will begin at noon in the board room of SSISD Administration Building, 631 Connally St.

Sulphur Springs ISD Board of Trustees meetings are conducted in the board room of SSISD Administration Building, 631 Connally St.

Author: KSST Contributor

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