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Steel For the New Grays Building Being Installed At Pacific Park

Design, Engineering Service Contract For TPWD Grant For Pacific Park Improvements On Dec. 1 City Council Agenda

Work on the new Grays Building progressed Tuesday morning at Pacific Park with Hawk Construction putting up the steel beams that will be the backbone for the new building. The steel was delivered from Sulta Manufacturing last week, and work was well under way Tuesday by Hawk to install the steel.

The steel that will form the frame for the new Grays Building in Pacific Park arrived from Sulta Manufacturing last week.

The progress brings the project one step closer to completion, but there is still a lot of work to be done before the Grays Building will be ready for use. The building is expected to be complete in late spring of 2021. All dirt work, construction of all sidewalks, on-street parking, all plumbing and electrical work will be performed by city staff.

The new Grays Building will be twice the size of the current structure and will include roll-up bay doors to allow the side of the building facing the park to be opened into the park for big indoor-outdoor events and a patio.

The new community building at Pacific Park is also being prepared for solar panels. While the solar panels will not initially be installed, but the Grays Building will be equipped with conduits in place so that they can be added at a later time, according to the city manager. The new structure will also include a generator so that the appliances can be used by the community in the event of a big power outage as well, according to Sulphur Springs City Manager Marc Maxwell.

Hawk Construction puts up the steel frame for the Grays Building Tuesday morning

The Grays Building and improvements at Pacific Park are being funded with a portion of the $3 million received in bond proceeds: $1.5 million for Pacific Park and the remainder toward construction of a new activity building for senior citizens. Sulphur Springs residents in November 2019 voted to allow the city to use up to $200,000 of EDC money for up to 20 years for a 4B purpose. The project has to be finished within 3 years of issuing the bonds.

Sulphur Springs City Council during the regular 7 p.m. meeting, which will be conducted tonight via Zoom and streamed on the City of Sulphur Springs Meetings YouTube page for the public to view, is expected to act on two items related to the Pacific Park upgrades and senior center construction projects.

The City Council will be asked to consider a contract between the City of Sulphur Springs and MHS Planning & Design LLC for professional services for design and engineering for a Texas Parks and Wildlife Department grant for Pacific Park. A resolution for a service contract agreement with Sulphur Springs-Hopkins County Economic Development Corporation for sharing the cost of improvements to Pacific Park and a new senior citizens activity center is expected to be submitted to the council for approval during Tuesday’s meeting.

Also on the Dec. 1 agenda is a public hearing for final reading and approval of an ordinance establishing an industrial reinvestment zone and five agricultural license agreements at the old Thermo mine/Luminant property.

Hawk Construction puts up steel for the new Grays Building in Pacific Park Tuesday

Author: KSST Contributor

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