Changes In SSISD COVID-19 Notifications Announced

Sulphur Springs ISD administrators Wednesday announced changes in the way SSISD COVID-19 notifications are communicated.

Starting this week, notifications will not be sent via Blackboard or email to students, parents, staff and teachers. Now, updates can be found on a chart posted on the district website, Scroll down to the middle of the page until you see the blue “SSISD COVID-19 Dashboard” menu and click it to view the most recent update regarding the number of students and staff at each campus who were lab-confirmed to have COVID-19.

The most recent update for this week is from Monday, Nov. 30.

Cumulatively since school started, the district has had 89 students test positive for COVID-19. On Monday, one current active student case, one new student case from a prior week were reported at Bowie Primary.

Cumulatively, 70 SSISD staff members have tested positive for novel coronavirus 2019 since Sept. 1. As of Nov. 30 there were six active staff cases, new cases from a prior week: one at Bowie Primary, one at Travis Primary, two at Sulphur Springs Elementary, one at Sulphur Springs Middle School and one other district staff member.

Sulphur Springs ISD COVID-19 dashboard report posted on the district website for Nov. 30

Author: KSST Contributor

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