Ever been driving down the highway and see those digital signs and think, that’s clever but you can do better, or that you have a great informational slogan that’d look really good up there?
Texas Department Of Transportation invites community members to submit their best clever saying for a chance to have your message encouraging safer driving.displayed above Texas highways on digital message boards.
TxDOT launched the Digital Highway Sign Contest to find the best and most creative safe-driving message that is related to impaired driving (drunk or drugged driving,) distracted driving (texting while driving,) not wearing seatbelts or speeding.
Since the majority of crashes are preventable, TxDOT uses these creative messages, which often are related to current events and pop culture, as part of an effort to encourage drivers to improve their behavior behind the wheel.
The contest is open through Dec. 8, and there is no limit to the number of entries a contestant can submitted at TxDOT.gov. The top 10 entries will be posted on social media and voted on by the public. A “like” or “share” equals one point. The top three winners will see their message in bright lights over highways across the state.
The contest, which runs simultaneously with #EndTheStreakTX, is tool TxDOT is using to educate drivers about the state’s steady death rate and to improving their driving habits.
Contestants should keep the following guidelines in mind when submitting entries:
- The message must bring awareness to the dangers of common driver mistakes such as distracted driving, impaired driving, not using seat belts, speeding, etc. Entries for oher rules of the road, such as “no tailgating” and “left lane for passing only” will also be accepted
- #Hashtags, phone numbers and website addresses are not allowed.
- No offensive language may be used.
- Signs accommodate 2 slides, each with 3 lines and up to 15 characters per line. Contestants should feel free to use both slides (6 lines) or just one slide (3 lines).