Candidate filing for the May 2021 Sulphur Springs City Council Elections begins Wednesday, Jan. 13.
The City of Sulphur Springs will be conducting an election to fill four seats on the City Council. Filing is for Places 1, 2, 3 and 5. A regular election is called for a full three-year term for Places 1, 2 and 3, while a special election is scheduled for the remaining year of the Place 5 term on the City Council.

If it seems like they were just on the ballot, that’s because they were. A special election was called for May 2020 to fill all four places on Sulphur Springs City Council after four council members resigned in the same week in December 2019. However, due to coronavirus hitting the state just before early voting was scheduled to begin, all elections were postponed until November 2020.
Harold Nash was appointed in December 2019 to fill the Place 2 seat on the City Council. Nash and Oscar Aguilar were unchallenged for Places 2 and 3, respectively, on the City Council. Gary Spraggins won the Place 5 seat in the November 2020 election.
A runoff election was held in December 2020 for Place 1 when none of the four candidates received 50 percent or more of the overall votes in November. Jay W. Julian won the Place 1 seat on the City Council.
The Place 1, 2 and 3 seats on the council would normally be on the ballot this spring, so those places are for full three-year terms on Sulphur Springs City Council. The Place 5 Election is for the remaining year of an unexpired term.
Candidate filing for the May 2021 Sulphur Springs City Council Elections will be conducted during regular business hours, 8-5 p.m. Monday-Friday, Jan. 13-Feb. 12 at Sulphur Springs Municipal Building, 201 North Davis St. Applications may be mailed to 125 South Davis St.