The Texas Department of State Health Services’ Jan. 17 COVID-19 Case Counts dashboard showed 10 new COVID-19 cases, 50 novel coronavirus 2019 recoveries and one fatality on Sunday. Fourteen additional doses of the COVID-19 vaccine were administered while the COVID-19 patient count in Trauma Service Area F increased on Jan. 16, according to the DSHS Test and Hospital Data and COVID-19 Vaccines dashboards.

Case Counts
The Case Count dashboard on Jan. 17 showed 85 fatalities for Hopkins County, which means one additional Hopkins County resident has been confirmed by death certificate to have died from COVID-19. The death occurred on Jan. 5, making the second COVID-19 death on that date and the firth COVID-19 death confirmed to have occurred so far during January.
Seven additional confirmed COVID-19 cases were reported on Jan. 7, increasing the total number of Hopkins County residents who have received positive COVID-19 results on molecular tests this month to 174. Cumulatively, since March, 1,296 Hopkins County residents have received positive COVID-19 molecular test results.
Three probable COVID-19 cases were reported on Jan. 17, increasing the total this month to 95. Cumulatively, since the state began tracking positive antigen tests and or individuals reported to have a combination of symptoms and a known exposure to someone with COVID-19 without a more likely diagnosis, there have been 1,212 probable cases reported to DSHS for Hopkins County.
Of the 2,508 Hopkins County COVID-19 cases, 2,293 have recovered, including 50 additional COVID-19 recoveries on Sunday, 130 recoveries over the weekend and 240 recoveries this month.
That leaves 130 Hopkins County residents who still had COVID-19 at 2:10 p.m. Jan. 17, 41 less than on Saturday and 105 less than on Friday, a cording to the DSHS Jan. 17 COVID-19 Case Counts dashboard.
Hospital Data
In Trauma Service Area F, which includes all hospitals across Northeast Texas from Bowie and Cass Counties across to Lamar and Hopkins Counties, the COVID-19 patient count increased from 221 on Jan. 15 to 232 on Jan. 16, according to the DSHS Jan. 17 COVID-19 Test and Hospital Data dashboard.
The total number of staffed beds in TSA-F decreased from 1,068 on Friday to 1,058 on Saturday. The number of staffed inpatient beds in TSA-F declined from 976 on Friday to 966 on Saturday, while hospitalizations rose from 655 to 658 on Saturday. The overall number of available hospital beds dropped from 321 on Friday to 308 on Saturday. Ten ICU beds and 70 ventilators were available in TSA-F on Saturday one more ICU bed than on Friday, but no change in ventilator capacity.
COVID-19 patients made up 21.93 percent of the overall hospital capacity in TSA-F, up from 20.69 on Jan. 15, but still less than the 22.07 reported on Jan. 13 and 23.42 percent on Jan. 11. That means TSA-F has had high hospitalizations consistently since Dec. 26, and will continue to be subject to GA-32, which requires businesses allowed in October to open at 75 percent capacity to scale back to 50 percent capacity and halts elective surgeries. until the COVID-19 hospitalizations remain below 15 percent of hospital capacity for seven consecutive days.
Testing and Vaccine Data
A total of 16,231 COVID-19 tests had been conducted in Hopkins County on Saturday, Jan. 16, 179 more than on Friday. A total of 13,030 viral (molecular) COVID-19 tests have been conducted in Hopkins County since the pandemic began, including 98 on Saturday. A total of 1,455 antigen tests had been conducted in Hopkins County, including 32 on Saturday. Forty-nine COVID-19 tests were conducted on Saturday, increasing the cumulative total to 1,746 as of Saturday, according to the Jan. 17 COVID-19 Test and Hospital Data dashboard.
Fourteen additional people received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on Saturday, according the Jan. 17 COVID-19 Vaccine dashboard. That makes 1,173 people who had received the first dose of the vaccine in Hopkins County, 1,078 who’d received the first dose of the vaccine and 95 who’d been fully vaccinated with both doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on Jan. 16.