Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Restaurants & Retail Reduced To 50% Capacity For At Least Another Week

The Trauma Service Area F hospitalization rate remained over 15% for yet another day on Monday, January 4th meaning the reduced capacity will be in effect for restaurants, retail, gyms, and other businesses for at least another 7 days. Per Governor Abbott’s Executive Order, the COVID-19 hospitalization rate will have to remain under 15% for seven consecutive days for the capacity restrictions to be lifted. With 207 Covid patients in our region, the hospitalization rate remains at 19.6%. Only 1 open ICU bed remains open in the eight county service area.

Hopkins County Judge Robert Newsom confirmed to KSST News that city and county law enforcement officers are authorized to monitor capacity restrictions as well as state agencies including TABC, which will monitor establishments that serve alcohol.

Author: Chad Young

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