A 26-year-old Sulphur Springs woman was jailed Monday on a child abandonment or child endangerment-criminal neglect warrant, marking the second time she’s been accused of the charge in Hopkins County and the third time in less than a year she’s been booked into Hopkins County jail on a felony charge,, according to arrest and jail reports.

Hopkins County Sheriff’s Officers located Mary Elizabeth Walker at her residence Monday afternoon,. Jan. 4. She reportedly gave officers permission to search her residence. Drug paraphernalia was located and destroyed, Sgt. Todd Evans and Chief Investigator Corley Weatherford alleged in arrest reports.
Walker was taken into custody at 4:30 p.m. on a warrant for an abandoning or endangering of a child-criminal negligence charge; the offense is alleged in arrest reports to have occurred on Nov. 28, 2020. She also is reported to be on parole, Evans and Weatherford alleged in arrest reports. She remained in Hopkins County jail Tuesday morning, Jan. 5, 2021 on a $1,500 bond on the charge, according to jail reports.
Hopkins County jail records also show Walker was previously jailed in Hopkins County April 8 to April 10, 2013, on an abandoning or endangering of a child-criminal negligence charge. Another arrest for Walker on a charge involving a child was for driving while intoxicated with a child under 15 years of age in the vehicle on April 7, 2017, according to jail reports.
She also was arrested twice in 2020: on May 7 for possession on less than 1 gram of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance and on Dec. 2 on a warrant for possession of 1 gram or more but less than 4 grams of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance. Jail records show she was jailed April 11-June 12, 2017, in Hopkins County and sentenced to 5 years in prison for violation of probation on a burglary of a habitation charge.
If you have an emergency, dial 9-1-1
The Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office is located at 298 Rosemont Sulphur Springs, TX 75482. You can reach them for non-emergency matters at (903) 438-4040.